An Eye for an Eye

in Reflections5 months ago (edited)


I woke up this morning thinking today would be a busy, but uneventful one. There was the monring appointment with the eye doctor to get 6-month follow-up exam. Then we were to head over for a blood draw at the VA lab.

Best laid plans of mice and men I guess.

The morning was a bit nippy to start, around 38 degrees Fahrenheit. It was lightly raining with a chance of freezing rain to come as well. No big deal, the Mrs and I were feeling pretty good this morning. Actually, the Mrs was a little grumpy as she had only one cup of coffee before we closed the door to the house behind us.

Little did I know as the seat belt tightened around me that this morning was about to get real interesting and I was going to be making pirate funnies the rest of the day much to my wife and eye doctors dismay.

Arriving at the eye doctor's office went as normal. We checked in, took a seat, and waited to take my turn to have my eyes illuminated and probed.

We didn't have to wait long. The assistant called my name, took me into the dark room, and began the process while asking the normal series of questions someone with my eye and health issues usually get. Once finished we marched off to a room to further examine my eyes using the typical eye chart. When finished she said thank you and said the doctor would be with me shortly.

It was a short wait alright! The doctor was in the room within a couple of minutes. The first words out of her mouth were something to the effect of "have you seen any bright flashes of light or increase in floaters?"

NO pillow talk, just right to it. "Seems Mr. Joe you have a retinal detachment." It was after those words that I said we should probably bring the Mrs back to listen to what was said next and she left to retrieve the wife.

It was all downhill from there. She explained that my right eye had a retinal detachment and luckily was outside the center of my field of view. This is something I was always at risk of, and had already had one years ago in my left eye leaving me with a blind spot in my left eye vision. Now I have the same challenge with the right?

WTF? Really?

Anyway, we left there pretty down in the dumps and waiting for the call from the eye surgeons office. They called on my way to have blood drawn. They scheduled me for an appointment tomorrow morning with the possibility of surgery later this week.

To top off this shit burger the lab took four tries to finally draw one tube of blood.

Fucking Sadists!

Anyway, I am sitting here pondering how the symptoms went unnoticed by me, or had I just simply ignored them. My eyes always havea floaters due to my eye condition, but lately it seemed a little more than usual, but I just chalked it up to sleeplessness and being tired. I did not recall any bright flashes of light, but hey, I watch TV in the dark, so sometimes lights flash, you know what I am saying.

Anyway, of to look for a cool looking pirate patch to wear for after my surgery.

With that said, it makes me wonder how many other issues I have overlooked about my health. Especially when it comes to my mental health, I feel things are often ignored or overlooked by me.

Recently someone commented on a post that I may be addicted to isolation. Has the possibility of me being an addict of something besides medication been a thought before? Nope

There is more I would like to explore regarding this moving forward and plan to do it here, as well as with my VA wizard offline.

What are your thoughts on the addiction to isolation. Have I ignored the symptoms of addiction to isolation? Have you seen symptoms?

More to follow. Thanks for reading.


Note: Image is my own taken with iPhone SE

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I'm really sorry about your eye problem. I know what it means as my aunt had the surgery and I was the one handling her case. I hope everything goes well and you will be back in no time.

As about being addicted to isolation, I guess we all are a little bit, or we just need time for ourselves more often?

Get well Joe!

Thank you. It is no big deal. I am little nervous about the surgery. Probably more so about having stuff poked into my eye than surgery itself. My eyesight is still decent, just hava hard time reading out of that eye right now. Funny as I went to the doc this morning thinking I would just need a new prescription or something. Anyway, like you said, should be a quick recovery.

I like your positive spin, but for me it has become like most addictions and is no longer healthy mentally, or physically. But like all addicts, admiting I have a problem is the first step.

Have a good one!

That totally sucks, but at least it can be fixed. I think everyone has additions, we never notice our own additions. I’m sure that if you told the misses she could help you with that.

Yeah she knows and she is there, believe me. The loneliness thing was a typo. It was a slip of what is to come in my future posts. It meant to say isolation. Isolation from other people besides those closest to me. Walling myself off sometimes even from those closest to me. Thus isolating me mentally from them.

Anyway, enough spewage from me. Thanks for stopping by

I read with so much excitement, eager to read about the sweet opposite of uneventful. That feeling went south real quick, but didn't veer off completely. The humour made it only 50% disappointing. :)

I'm sorry about your predicament. I hope the surgery goes extra well.

I'm close to being addicted to isolation, I hope it'll be a mission not-accomplished.

sorry to disappoint :-)

Surgery did go well and I am recoverying slowly. Thank you.

Happy to hear.

Warm welcome. 🫂

Man, that sucks. I can't even imagine. What a definite punch in the gut! You would think something like that sounds pretty intense. Like not something you could be walking around without knowing it! I don't know about the isolation thing. I like being alone, but I like being near people too. I crave community even if I don't function well in it!

Nah, its just more of a hassle than anything. It is out of the center of my field of view. Yep, I just thought I was in need of a new prescription. The Ophthalmologist says some people just don't have the flashes of light and stuff like that.

I like being alone too, but like you, I sometimes want that social interaction with someone besides my wife and son. For some reason there is an addiction to the isolation that keeps me from doing that next step on a more regular basis.

Oh wow, I never would have guessed with the eye thing. There are a few people that I enjoy being around a lot. The rest, I would probably rather be alone.

That sucks bro! At least it's reparable from the sound of it.

I think the eye is, but I will have a small blind spot in my peripheral. At least I hope so. We will find out tomorrow. As far as the other thing, not sure yet. Only time will tell.

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