Eyes to the Floor

in Reflections4 months ago


So yesterday was the date with the Ophthalmologist my Optometrist sent me to. After filling out the typical pile of paperwork for new patients, they dilated and took some pictures of my eye.

The doc walked in and she did not have much bedside manner. Her lack of social skills was not important though, I want a doc that knows what they are doing. She seemed to be just that.

Anyway, I guess they are going to suck some fluid out from behind the retina, or something to that effect. Then they are going to inject a bubble or something that is supposed to force the torn part of my retina to stay in place and heal.

Seems after the surgery, which is this afternoon, is outpatient and I follow-up the next morning with them to check everything.

After surgery is where the real fun stuff starts. To keep the bubble in place I have to walk around with my head down for seven days. I can take 10 minute breaks every hour to raise up my head. There is also a certain way to sleep, but they will show me that today before I go home.

I really have no worries about the surgery, I am more worried, or actually irritated, that for seven days my head will be down.

Then yesterday there was a moment of anxiety thinking about things I am going to miss seeing while my head is down.

Really Joe?

Anyway, once I reminded myself that I am an isolation addict and I usually don't get out and see much anyway, there would be no real loss. That is like a crap feeling. That is kind of rock bottom, or almost, for me dealing with my climb back out of the black hole.

Just think about that for a while, you walk around with your head down for seven days, how would it affect your social life? Well, it is really having no impact on mine, because there is none.

But I am climbing out, not into, the blackhole. This regresses me somewhat. My mind is already churning for creative ways to keep climbing during those seven days so there is no falling back down into the hole.

Either way, I have to wrap this up, but wanted to share this short reflection. If you have some thoughts on my socialization while I am eyes to the floor for seven days, feel free to share them.

Have you had similar experiences? How did you deal with it?


Note: Image is my own taken with iPhone 13 Pro Max

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Climbing out of that hole is great news! That and the retina is fixable!

It is a work in progress. This sets me back as I had plans to do some things next week. Yeah, I am glad it is fixable, and doc said there is a great chance of success from the surgery if I follow post-op instructions. I am just glad this is not in my central field of view.

Have a good one friend. I may be absent for a few days, but will try to get online during some of the breaks for lifting my head.

Rest up, that bubble will be your friend for awhile still!

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The head down bit does sound like a pain in the arse but I suppose the upside is the healing!

It is a pain in the ass. I get ten minutes each hour I can lift it up to do stuff, like type this response. Hey, at least I still have the eye!

You got to look for the positives, but yeah, that does suck


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I think I usually walk around with my head down most of the time anyway. I wish you luck though. I hope everything goes well for you. That has to be difficult.

Feel better brother. Seven days isn’t that bad to get this fixed for you. Good lick

Thanks man!

Greetings @coinjoe, I am very sorry to hear about your eye problem, it must be very uncomfortable to keep your head like that for seven days. Nowadays there are many exercises for the eyesight, and to be able to recover the vision, it is only a question of routines. I have seen it with a doctor on youtube.

Thank you for for stopping by and commenting. Yes, it is a little uncomfortable, but worth it to maintain my vision. Once I am able to look up more and watch stuff, I will check out some YT videos as suggested.