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RE: Forbidden fruit

in Reflections2 months ago

I love eating mamey too. It's called chico in our place. I like savoring its taste. I also like caimito but not that much. I usually scrape its flesh in a bowl and put some condensed milk and ice. If I'm going to list down the fruits I like, I only have 5.

  1. Mango
  2. Apple
  3. Banana
  4. Chico
  5. Coconut

I have eaten other fruits, but i just don't like them to be part of my list. 😅


Oh... I just realised that I didn't include the mango in my list.... 😱

I definitely need to take a good look at this and come to a conclusion.
This won't let me sleep. 😄😂 Hand me the bag please I'm really hyperventilating now.


Hey, you have a very cool top five.

Thanks for visiting and for the support.

I'm sorry for that. 🤣 Just make it two fruits depending on what number you want mango to be placed. 😅

The mango under the mamey always. Hahaha... Good morning.