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RE: Time And Money

in Reflections27 days ago

Nice philosophy on life. I don't do apps, don't need them in my life. never seen netflix have no interest. I guess in some ways I am glad that I am old, I fear for the younger generation glued to their screens flicking aimlessly from screen to screen, why? get in the real world, forget all these non entity 'influencers" Live your own life your own way. FOMO syndrome.
I read an article the other day that says you can now buy an app controlled kettle, FFS!!! why it is only an on off switch. This world is going to hell in a handcart.

I did wonder about the pictures LOL


I fear for the younger generation glued to their screens flicking aimlessly from screen to screen, why?

To fit the mood and the expectations of others, because that's the trend. FOMO syndrome as you say! Spot on.

Lol, app controlled kettle may be good for disabled people, but come on, where is this world heading? 😁 My sister-in-law has an app for her washing machine, which I can understand, but a kettle?

I knew some people would be wondering about the photos 😄

Human form will change fingers will become longer and thinner muscles will change as the less manual labour we do and the more time we spend on technology.
I would say the photos are a way of drawing people in. Nowt wrong with that