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RE: A Human Quality

in Reflections2 months ago

Good is determined by virtue. The discussion of bad(sin) is typically all that reverberates but you are right to shift the topic and focus on what is good. The soft approach is to whisper these things in the dark like our favorite person in the world; Satoshi Nakamoto. Does blockchain represent virtuous economics by being immutable? Only time will tell the truth.


Yes, but virtue for one is evil for another, right? For some people, living up to moral standards might be inflicting suffering on others.

Immutability as virtue is an interesting idea to explore. At the very least, immutability delivers some form of trust that can be traced. Imagine if everyone's entire life was a searchable blockchain :D

Purity is evil to those who are impure? Thas a good one 💯😆😇 It's true and embodies the truth. Evil is Evil whereas Good is Good. Evil benefits from double speak, confusion, lies, deception, corruption, bribery the list goes on in capitalism. Blockchain was created with a purpose.