Herd of Sheep, Canine Guard and Invisible Wolves

in Amazing Nature6 months ago

Hello dear Hivers, how are you doing ? For me, today feels like the day back in town, and there are still a lot of adventures I haven't told you about yet...! Unfortunately, not all of them are good, but let's not get ahead of ourselves, especially in hypothetical negativity. Because everything can ultimately be seen from different points of view, and I think that while emotions are wonderful things to experience, as humans we sometimes put too much passion into what we live and do.

All I want to share in this digressive introduction is that as long as emotions don't cloud our judgment, then they're good. If they don't, then they're likely to make us make the wrong choices in the future... at least not the best ones !

But let's get back to our sheeps as we say in French...

During my trip, a little further up one of the mountain plateaus in the Drôme, I was able to get a closer look at a herd that was parked there.

The weather was truly Scottish that day, and I did my best not to completely soak my camera. The camera was still equipped with a 35mm lens, as it was the only one I took with me to keep it light.

This one may seem a little lonely and isolated...

But he soon finds the rest of the herd !

And then, in a swirl of foam, comes the herdsman. I think it's a Kangal or Anatolian shepherd. These are guard dogs, not to be confused with those that run and restock the herd as it moves from one pasture to the next.

The truth is, the wolf has been back for a few years now, and I can understand why shepherds can lose a variable number of animals each season. As for the rest of the idea, I also understand and share the opinion more oriented towards defending Nature without adopting the point of view of human animals alone.

At the end of the day, just the fact that we're here at all proves that our ancestors managed to strike a good balance with the wilderness in which they were immersed at the time !

He was actively standing guard and I felt I'd found the right distance. If I had come any closer, I think he would have started growling menacingly...

But suddenly his attitude changed, and I quickly understood why. I hadn't heard the shepherd arrive, but he, the guard, knew it was time for him to eat !

After feeding the dogs, of which there were two, the shepherd began to move the flock of around one hundred ewes to another plot of land.

I was lucky enough to witness this magnificent choreography from my vantage point high above the ground...

It only lasted a few minutes in the rain, but I stayed captivated and didn't take pictures the whole time. It could have made a pretty interesting .gif !

But here it is, this little episode revealed, and I hope you enjoyed it and the images presented. I thank you for your visit and wish you a wonderful day !



All text and images here are my own.

Bonjour chers Hivers, comment allez vous aujourd’hui ? Pour moi, ce jour sonne comme celui du retour en ville et il y a encore beaucoup d’aventures dont je ne vous ai pas encore parlé..! Malheureusement, toutes ne sont pas bonnes, mais n’anticipons pas, surtout dans une hypothétique négativité. Car chaque chose peut être finalement vue depuis différents points de vue et je pense que même si les émotions sont de merveilleuses choses à vivre, nous mettons parfois trop de passion, en tant qu’humains, dans ce que nous vivons et faisons.

Tout ce que je veux partager dans cette introduction en forme de digression, c’est que tant que les émotions ne viennent pas altérer notre jugement, alors elles sont bonnes. Si ce n’est pas le cas, c’est que cela risque à l’avenir de nous faire faire les mauvais choix… En tout cas pas les meilleurs !

Mais revenons à nos moutons comme on le dis en fraçais…

Lors de mon voyage, un peu plus haut sur un des plateaux en montagne dans la Drôme, j’ai pu approcher d’un peu plus près un troupeau qui était parqué là.

Il faisait un véritable temps écossais ce jour-là et j’ai fait de mon mieux pour ne pas complètement tremper mon appareil photo. Ce dernier était toujours équipé d’un objectif de 35mm comme c’est le seul que j’ai emporté avec moi pour rester léger.

Celui-là peut sembler un peu solitaire et à l’écart…

Mais il finit par bien vite retrouver le reste du troupeau !

Et là, dans un tourbillon d’écume arrive le gardien du troupeau. Je crois qu’il s’agit d’un Kangal ou berger d’Anatolie. Ce sont des chiens de garde qu’il ne faut pas confondre avec ceux qui courent et rassemeblent le troupeau lorsqu’il est en mouvement d’une pature à la suivante.

En vérité, cela fait quelques années que le loup est de retour et je comprends aussi les bergers qui peuvent perdre un nombre variable de bêtes chaque saison. Dans le reste de l’idée, je comprends et partage aussi l’avis plus orienté vers la défense de la Nature sans adopter le point de vue des seuls animaux humains.

Au final, rien que le fait que nous soyons là prouve bien que nos ancêtres ont réussi à trouver un bon équilibre avec la Nature sauvage dans laquelle ils étaient plongés à l’époque !

Il montait activement la garde et je sens que j’avais trouvé la bonne distance. Si je m’étais approché davantage, je pense qu’il aurait commencé à grogner de façon menaçante…

Mais soudainement, il a changé d’attitude et j’ai rapidement compris pourquoi. Je n’avais pas entendu le berger arriver, mais lui, le gardien, savait bien qu’il était l’heure pour lui du repas !

Après avoir nourri les chiens qui étaient deux, le berger a justement commencé à faire transiter le troupeau d’environ cent brebis sur une autre parcelle.

J’ai donc eu la chance d’assiter à cette magnifique chorégraphie et de suivre cela depuis mon point de vue en hauteur…

Cela n’a duré que quelques minutes sous la pluie, mais je suis resté captivé et n’ai pas pris des images tout le long. Ç’aurait pu faire un .gif assez intéressant !

Mais voilà ce petit épisode révélé et j’espère que vous aurez apprécié celui-ci et les images présentées. Je vous remercie pour votre visite et vous souhaite une très belle journée !



Tous les textes images sont les miens.


Great pics even though the rain thanks for sharing @anttn!

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I can imagine the choreography was lovely to watch. Dogs are smart and special indeed. We both wrote about dogs today.

Yeah, I was lucky to be here at the right place in the good time :)

Oh, I’ll go and see 😉

Have a good day !

Thank you and have a great day as well.

Thank you 😊


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It's been such a long time I have seen animals grazing freely. I miss it because I grew up around such sights. Your vintage point is far, but you still captured the whole thing nicely. Thank you for this post. It brought back good childhood memories for me. 😊.
!discovery 43

Ah, I couldn't be happier if it brought back fond memories :))

Many thanks @esther-emmanuel !

Take good care 😘

Great photos, man! Good to see sheep are still herded there. My grandfather herded goats when I was a kid and I used to love going to meet him. Reminds me of those days. You're right to be careful with sheepdogs, you never know when they're going to get aggressive, but they usually try to protect the sheep herd :P

Thank you very much ! It's funny, my grandfather used to herd cows, but that was when he was a child, so obviously I didn't live through that period ^^ ! Yes, I'm always careful with these dogs, even though they're generally very friendly. My brother was bitten as a child !

Could not agree more with you, @anttn. Emotions are essential and necessary, but they shouldn't cloud our judgment and rational thinking. While we work on it day by day, it is all good!

The sheep are just so gorgeous, and the black one also has friends, of course 😇

Hugs and may you have a pleasant weekend 😋

While we work on it day by day, it is all good !

Exactly, seems we are one the same rhythm on that :)

Many thanks, I wish a lovely weekend as well 😘

 6 months ago  

How are you dear friend @anttn good morning
What beautiful shots, and what a beautiful experience you have had there, something exciting and beautiful to see.
Excellent shots congratulations
enjoy the weekend

Many thanks dear @jlufer :)

I'm glad you enjoyed those !

I wish you a very good weekend as well ✌️

I've been seeing a lot of videos in my social media feeds about shepherd dogs lately. It's just amazing how they do it. Lucky you to have this kind of view, thanks for sharing.

Yeah, I think it's a bit from the season ! I love the discipline of those dogs too :)

Take care @yzamazing

I like seeing the sheep you shared, in our area there are generally lots of people who keep sheep.

I love the slow rhythm that is associated with those kind of activities :)

Thank you dear @jasonmunapasee, have a good weekend ahead !

You are welcome, friend.

Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you @ brumest and @qurator :)

looking at this picture, it reminds me of the carton "Shaun the sheep"hahah

Hahaha ! True that 😂

Not soaking your camera was actually a nice idea
You took good pictures
I love them

It was an amazing feeling to view this photos. Wait! It rained at your end? That's interesting, you know I thought the rain is no longer coming back to next year 😅

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