Nature is again at its finest

in Amazing Naturelast month

I heard the rain coming down swiftly accompanied with some thunder and lightning here and there. Sure another break of the clouds, nothing special at this time of the year as we have seen more and more of this over the last couple of months. Not with the thunder storms though. Those are really more something from the late spring and summer time here when the land is heated up.

But this was a break of the clouds and it was hanging in the exact same space for like three hours. And then it stopped a little bit only to continue a bit more again. The amounts of water coming down were absolutely no joke and today I wasvery much able to see all of the remain of it everywhere.

The water is literally not going into the ground and that is because it has been so saturated over the last couple of weeks that the water has nowhere to go anymore. I feel for the ones with a basement at this moment.

But there was also good news in the week again. My buddies the deers in the woods seem to be back! And at this point they don't feel so shy as they normally are.

I have the feeling (and no idea if this is right at all) that the deers coming in the spring and into the late autumn into this forest to collect some food in there. In the autumn it is way easier to spot them as the bushes have lost their leaves and you can see their white butts wondering around.

But in this season now when the forest is densly green I have only seen them twice at this point. The first time I saw them they were drinking water and at this moment it is juist two of them where last year they were with four. A couple of days later when the sun was just rising they just stood there and looked at me.

That is what deer always does right? 'Like a deer in the headlights' they just freeze and hope that their predator does not spot them at all.

Well I can tell you that my fourlegged not-so-predator has no idea that there are deers wondering around. He just doesn't see them unless they are taking off rapidly and only then he sees that there is some form of movement going on. I guess we should rely on that one if the world ends for hunting food.

But I love this nature stuff on the daily if I am honest. Seeing deer running around in the wild scattering for food and just living their lives is just something special.

Nature is amazing right!!


That is what deer always does right? 'Like a deer in the headlights' they just freeze and hope that their predator does not spot them at all.

It's a deer thing😅 no other animal can even think of it.
Nature is truly amazing! :)

Haha yeah they are not the smartest when you see them doing that. But in these kinds of situations when they is beautiful and awesome!