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RE: Appreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun: round 211

in Amazing Nature3 months ago

Greetings once again and in my case for the second time to everyone in this community and especially to those of you who converse here.
This time I bring you a photo of a plant that took me a while to identify for various reasons (work, occupations, errands, problems, etc.) but finally I identified it walking with my mom on the University Avenue in Caracas Venezuela where there were several specimens, the light and my new phone helped me take this picture that I think was very well in sharpness and detail of the flowers of this tree, it was the species:
Terminalia buceras
Common name: Olivo negro, ucaro, ...
Taken on 20/03/2024
I hope you like it


That´s another very nice flower close up, thank you for your contribution! :)
