The River of Time and Time at the River

- Panorama of the river

"No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man.”

- Heraclitus and the quote source

- Waterdrops on clover in the early morning


Life is like a river, hope you have a GPS or a motor!

At the beginning of my relationship, I spent many nights and days there. Camping, fishing, making fires, walks, and plenty more. I have grown as a person on this property and have gone through a lot of ups and downs there. The piece of property is around 100 acres and several acres border this river. Just like the water of the river, time flows as well. Unknown moments around bends in the river, other times you can see for miles ahead at what is coming. There are times it can be tempestuous with raging rapids, other moments the water can be as serene and still as the morning dew on the clover in the spring.

- Late night fire, no worries of burning down the forest. There was water right there!


Spring-time thoughts

I remember a time when spring first started there several years ago. The trees were pulling themselves out of their winter nakedness. I was exploring, looking over every bit of the land. The grass was aged, cushy beneath my feet from the dozens of years those fields were there. I had recently started learning to photograph things, I wasn’t much of a photographer then. I still am learning even now! Seeing such a wide open land waking up, and knowing it was our private land, was exhilarating. But the river itself was captivating. The bend of the river at the front corner of the property made it seem so wide and expansive. Climbing down that hill and sitting on the river rocks left me breathless. Metaphorically and literally! Those rocks that protruded from the bottom of the hill and joined hands with the deceptively slow-looking water were where we spent many nights together. We made fires, took photos, and talked about life.

- Pink Camellia bush in bloom. Sadly the plant was removed!


Relationships are hard

This life that we live together has its hard times. We’re in one now. My partner is going through a lot of mental health issues at the moment. But when I married them, it was for better or worse, sickness and in health. We are in the sickness phase, I’m okay with that. I wouldn’t exchange them for anything, not even a billion dollars. They would say I’m stupid for that, haha. If I am anything, I’m at least loyal. The reason I bring that up is that the river rocks which we had fun times with. The hills above have many negative emotions tied to them. And a special place can mean for me, a place to which your soul is tied. That includes both the positive and the negative aspects.

- One of the many giant oaks on the property.


Forest of solitude

Through the negatives, the land was a place of solitude and oneness with nature. The birds, insects, fish, and frogs were my companions through some dark times. The trees were my friends, as they breathed life into me through their exhalation of oxygen. I felt grounded as I stood upon the Earth. It all was one, mother nature. A cycle in which all living things participate. Even though I was alone, I was never truly alone. With nature as my companion, mother, and friend.

- Vibrant pink Azalea bush in bloom


I have no regrets

Back then, I didn’t see my life going the way it is now. I’m happy for it, though. I’m glad I’m in the same relationship I was in 5 years ago, and I’m overjoyed that I get to still visit that land. Life is strange, but the river is no stranger to me. Over time, life will become as familiar to me as the landscape in which I spent those 5 years. Looking back, those times were rough and unforgiving. But I had a lot of space to grow. I’m still growing both with trees of the land as well as with the love of my life. And now with you, my fellow reader.

- Beautiful sunset at the river. They are always this gorgeous!

“If there is no struggle, there is no progress.”

- Frederick Douglass and quote source

As always, thanks for listening to my story and me rambling about stuff. I always appreciate every interaction, no matter how small it may be. I love the Hive community and all of you who put effort into making it a good place to be in. Thanks so much!

Have a good one,

♥️ With lots of love @timmy-turnip ♥️

If you've read this far, I would enjoy any follows and will follow back. I want to build a community of love and kindness. We all deserve that.

Educational links supplied for plants and people

All images and ramblings owned by me, @timmy-turnip, using an iPhone 7. Except the clover that was an iphone 12 Pro Max


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This article is so insightful and speaks volumes about reality and how it sucks a little. I too can never exchange a billion dollars because my partner is in a stage of incapability. I admire your courage and loyalty.

"No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man.”

This is so powerful, Timmy... so powerful! And when I read this post, I smiled and smiled. It reminded me so much of the ending to A River Runs Through It...

Eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it. The river was cut by the world's great flood and runs over rocks from the basement of time. On some of those rocks are timeless raindrops. Under the rocks are the words, and some of the words are theirs. I am haunted by waters.

Family is so important. The connections we make and nurture and build and stand by... I hope your partner gets better soon... and that you both find respite and renewed joy in your life together. In the meantime, you have the land, and the river... mother nature to cradle you in her arms... and Hive... sending much love !LUV !ALIVE !hivebits

@timmy-turnip! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @samsmith1971. (8/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Wedding vows are one we must hold on tight to. Many do not like the "in sickness " part but being there for a partner in their low times is one of the greatest gifts they could receive. I hope your partner pushes through the present phase.

These were beautiful pictures. I like the way you aligned them and also had a story for them. You did a great job.

Thank you for sharing ✨


Thanks for the kind words. I uphold my vows because it’s just that. It’s not something simple or easy. Relationships are hard and they take a lot of elbow grease. But it’s worth all the effort 10 fold easily.

Thank you for sharing this with us🤗

And I appreciate you stopping by!

I hope your husband gets better. Like you said, time flies and you will pass this sickness phase.

The pictures taken are lovely. Thanks for sharing.

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