in NeedleWorkMonday2 months ago


Making dresses has always been one of my dreams that I have had for a long time. I am always happy whenever I'm with a sewing machine and fabric, it has always been a great joy to me whenever I make clothes for people and they are very satisfied with the design.

But the one problem I have always with this work is that I always find it difficult to make clothes for myself😄lol. I guess almost all tailors can relate with that hehehe.

So I got mad and I took a scissors and a fabric and decided to doll myself up for a change, after cutting out the material I just couldn't find any motivation to start sewing my outfit hahaha.
It took me two months to finally start it.



I had finally started making the dress but then I had one huge problem, I didn't know what kind of hand I wanted to attach to the dress, I was confused as a bird and so I dropped the dress for another week.

I had almost forgotten about the dress until I found out that a girl I was having beef with was attending church on Sunday with me.
Instantly my need to slay kicked, I mean I gotta look better than her😍😍. I went into my bag of forgotten clothes and brought out the dress and finished it with whatever style that came to mind. I didn't care how it ended up all I knew was that I needed a new outfit that she hadn't seen before.
I kinda look like a maniquine in this one 🤣🤣🤣

What do you guys think?🤷🤷


Muy buen trabajo y así pasa en ocasiones, cuando es algo para hacer para uno mismo, se puede llevar más tiempo en elaborarlo 👏

Very good job and so it happens sometimes, when it is something to do for yourself, it can take more time to elaborate it 👏.

hahahaha my friend if you went to church in that dress everyone would be impressed with such beauty. I would be happy with a dress as beautiful as this I love it, I would like one like this for my daughter. Thanks for sharing. 😂🤗❤️

Everyone in church kept asking about the dress, you should have just seen my face Hehehehe 😅.

hehehehehe I would have liked to have seen you, my friend, how nice that you were the admiration of everyone.😅😄

It took you two months to even start this
Anyway, I love this and the fabric combinations with the black fabric.
Great job

Some of my other clothes took longer than two months 🤣🤣🤣, maybe it's laziness.
Thank u for the compliment

You’re welcome

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