Career change emotions, alterations, and harvesting new materials!


Dearest Needleworkers and passionate slow-fashionistas,

I am reeling emotionally, and finding my feet practically, whilst multiple changes unfold within and around me.


I finally am fully, embodied-ly, acknowledging that my 'career' in Art. is not my main focus, and that I am dedicating my energies now to a) working in fabrics, b) selling my home and relocating to a more rural and natural location, and c) shifting my identity from Art-maker to Un-designer of clothing and accessories.


I hadn't considered what a deep emotional release would come, from effectively putting down my paintbrushes and clarifying with my special folks that I am no longer painting full-time. You can see a video I made about this for my Patreon, here.


I am planning new videos around introducing my sewing practise: the intuitive use of recycling and reconstructing natural materials into beautiful new functional, durable very special clothing items. My working tagline is 'Making Clothing Magic Again'.


I worked on some small jobs throughout the week - like the above buttons and button-loops for this glorious silk embroidered top from the 50c stall... which I completed in a 3 hour session with my brilliant Hive friends over on our Co-Creation Session - join us each Wednesday if you need some company. - the post will be update with a new link, as Shani will be hosting via Zoom.


I also worked this week on another pair of knickers, which needed to be widened:


They're quite a rigid pair, with a strong elastic, and as well as having put a wee bit of weight on in recent years, they were quite tight when I bought them. At that time, I was much more tolerant of tighter undewear, but this past decade in particular, since doing a lot of pelvic healing and suchlike - I absolutely will not have any garment cut into my lymphatic system - or any other aspect of my beautifully naturally functioning bodymindspiritcosmos!


It took me AGES to find the right colour and texture of new strip of fabric to bridge where I was cutting the sides of these knickers open.


These are two strips cut from a big silk dress (always from the 50c stall!), and which are not particularly elastic, but I wanted a lovely feeling of softness of these sides - instead of seams which can nip a little.


The process of prayer, stitching, blessings and release of any energies that wanted to come out, which had been put into these knick-knacks - this was a wonderful experience.


Maybe it is part of my intense catharsis and the huge move into needlework rather than brushwork, but I loved getting really into the details: even sewing the new seam into the silk strip side of the new form, so that it would press less into my skin.


In fact; the knickers are still a tad on the tight side - so I will probably only wear them for an hour or two at a time. Often, I don't wear knickers, anyways.


I had some fun photographing them, without affecting my modesty!


I am pleased with the outcome: now I have at least two pairs of functioning knickers!! Heheheheh!


And this is the second sewing job that I am being paid for this month! Foreigners who live in this Italian town where I'm based, have been sharing word-of-mouth about my skills - and several are asking me to make alterations to their garments. Above is the dress of a good friend, who needed new buttons and button-holes, for closing the front properly.


We salvaged two smaller buttons from another of her dresses, and I moved one of the bigger buttons up from the bottom, so overall there were 3 new button-holes needed - plus some reinforcing of the original button-holes. It is very interesting how poorly-reinforced button-holes can be - even on a relatively expensive dress like this from the Amalfi Coast. Above is my hand-sewn button-hole, which should last the lifetime of the dress. When I am professional enough to be selling garments, I will be making sure that every detail is very precise and long-lasting!

Okay, I am off to finish making humous for lunch.

Many blessings indeed to you all, and I very much look forward to checking in with everyone to see what you're creating!





Sounds like many exciting projects ahead!!
Funny no, how we think we find "our" thing just to turn it all upside down again:) But I guess that is a wonderful (and difficult) but very exciting part about life!
Oh and I love your button holes and buttons with the slightest detail all in place!!:)
...and the way you call it: "un-designing" and "making clothes magic", wonderful!!

Thank you most sincerely for this beautiful supportive sharing dearest friend - this buoys me as I reel some more around this huge decision - at the same time as feeling a breaking point in wanting sooo much to move house... Your great bicycle adventures have been helping me feel my way into this 'should I or shouldn't I??' dilemma! Things will be less intense once the heat of this second summer subsides... I so look forward to cosy winter days and longer walks under the lower sun... Much love and I can't wait to hear about your next leg of journey....
