Our pop-up shop and gallery success, and midwinterfest creative power

in NeedleWorkMonday6 months ago (edited)


I am sitting in my Arthouse kitchen in front of the epic panorama and the sunrise... Half the creative chaos is under semi-control, the other half is teetering in my mind as I try to sit down for 10 minutes and just write comprehensibly. A giant cup of tea in my favourite enormous pale pink tazza helps.


It is the day after our second (final) pop-up shop evening, and the morning which we have to mail packages, prep for @kesityu-fashion's parting, and put the whole house in order for a secret journey I'm going on next week...


I am reeling a little also from interrupted sleep from over-stimulation, animals in heat barking, and the general excitement of having had a full-on creative explosion of visioning with a power-full co-creative. My neurosis sneaks a chance to dribble in my ear a little: "you're always making a mess like this" "you're really irresponsible and stupid" "no-one likes what you're creating" "what's the point of anything???" And this time I kind of relish the chance to say Thank you, and this is not what drives me.


My secret journey too: as usual, I'm emptying my bank account to do it, and this brings ua huge essence-of-doubt - which occassionally gets a grip and makes me cringe in anticipation of the next period of scarcity... BUT THIS TIME I sold beautiful remade clothing, and received a load of EXTRA payments of money which I didn't request in return for them. This is a vital aspect of Living In Gift: when we are completely free creatively and time-wise, to FILL our creations with love and good vibes, then humbly offer them (without contract) to others; it can be potently freeing for the right money to move about mystically to the right place. It's not so simple of course, but the Universe REALLY DOES rise up to meet our feet, when we walk a righteous path.


Our pop-up gallery-shop had very few visitors, but almost every single one bought a good amount: plus two pairs of my gorgeous handmade wrist-warmers are being shipped to the beautiful @vincentnijman today! It is exciting on a whole new level to be making gentle sales like this, just in perfect timing for my travelling and opening up the possibilities around what I can develop (with Kesityu) in the future: more big news around that very soon!


The hard work of clearing and cleaning out the old stable was matched easily by the warmth of sitting with cats and visitors, chatting and connecting around myriad subjects... The stitches seeming to pull together the wonderful vibes of friendship and deepening friendship - they emphasise what holds reality together - and help me also to feel the comfort of being woven into a community, old and new, here in Guardia Sanframondi.


It is amazing how my subtle feeling about the place has been shifted, by being supported, and by my recognising where I can better pour and ground my energies. Painting and presenting Art. for over 35 years was very different - working with colours of fabric and thread instead of being immersed in oil and pigment, is bountiful: I am moving from being closed in a self-sustaining loop of self-inspired expression, to tentatively reweaving myself here and now, with those around me - and allowing visitors in!


Our creations were VERY well received by all our guests! It was a real joy to have the enthusiastic support expand out from online responses to living face-to-face marvelling at what we've created! So beautiful to sit down too, and narrate stories: Kesityu speaking of her immense cycling adventure, and me talking about picking up my life-long passion for sewing in place of my Art. I have felt in recent years like I was a limb-cut-off in this community, but the past weeks have brought out a new energetic thrum with neighbours and friends... I feel my Trust returning. Maybe my previous trust was ungrounded and naive at times: I threw myself into new ventures without looking around to see where I was landing. The alchemy of needlework has brought me present with a new kind of presence: I feel like I might even have a future, doing what I love, AND BEING REWARDED APPROPRIATELY FOR IT!


We talked about the importance too, of creating a space to present our collective work - but just for us. The importance of having the opportunity to sit back and look at what we are making, outside of the context of a busy sewing room (which is also my bedroom!) - this quiet laying out of all our stitches, and sitting with a glass of mulled wine, cats on our laps, musing and reflecting. Hearing others as they first see the garments, and playing with them around how we dress - letting them dance with the clothes and with their imaginations, linking our stories and feelings - and opening up huge possibilities in all directions. I adore working expansively and freely like this ...allowing spontaneous freeing of tensions, ideas, emotions and love... It is such a healing force, and such a calmly-energising force around midwinter, as many huddle inside away from the changing light and elements.


I relish the sewing which is stretching out from this moment too: I know I'll be setting up AT LEAST a couple of major projects to work on whilst travelling - one of my favourite places to sew is on a long bus journey. Kesityu and I are feeling very purposeful about working together in the future too: just knowing that there is one other soul at least as over-excited about fabrics and slow fashion as me - and our freedom and willingness to do more of it - this is enormous motivation, eh!


Okay: time to get our Needlework Monday posts posted- and to get dressed (very stylishly!) for the walk up to the post office to mail our parcels!


I look forward very much to having time later today to read your brilliant posts, and see what everyone is working on in the colder months (at least, in some parts of the world!) - HUGE winterfest blessings to you all and warm hugs to you if you're in the colder realms!






What a wonderful post, so exciting! The pop-up shop looks amazing and fabulous that you have a co-creator! 😍

Thank you hugely for this lovely comment dearest Shani @shanibeer ! Nice to hear from you, and absolutely; having a co-creator in-house is a serious inspiration... Wish we could all meet-up in real life to exchange fabrics, threads and vision! 😍

 6 months ago  

Hello Clare :) It's great to read that you are selling your creations, they are very pretty and I'm glad that people like them. I think your good vibes also attracted good vibes, so you deserve it for all your effort. Congratulations and I wish you good energy for your new journey and future projects. Hugs ❤️!

Oh, thank you hugely dearest @lauramica !! Yes, it really was the most lovely vibe experience, thanks also to the gorgeous @kesityu.fashion - and my beautiful neighbours in our international community here... And si! Selling my first pieces was pretty thrilling: it bodes VERY well for the future, and for actually earning money rather than just scraping by ;-) I am enjoying very much, developing these ideas about what to make next - practical, beautiful, unusual, artistic things.... Look forward to sharing more, perhaps in our Needlework Challenge this month!
Much love for the midwinterfest season, dear friend!


...and this is only the beginning😊😁💜

Yeeeeeeeeeeees! 🌟🙏🤩

Now you are surrounded by so many beautiful colours!! I am in love with your tailored and remade clothing...I think you are doing everything right!