Inspired By Mother's Day, I Designed an Elegant Dress

A Wonderful new week to you all, I hope you had a relaxing weekend. As for me, it was both fun and relaxing, I felt so much love and appreciated as a mother yesterday as it was a day set to celebrate mothers all over the world, my part of the world wasn't excluded either as my local church dedicated the Sunday service to the women/mothers, which I shared a bit of the fun on hive, Mothers Day service here.

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On Sundays like this, women are expected to be elegantly dressed and also pampered, I wasn't expecting anything much, considering the terrible state of our economy and the inflation hitting hard, so it was surprising when my husband came back from work one evening with a beautiful African print fabric with a memo "for Mother's day",


I bet If I wasn't a designer he would have gotten a ready-made dress, but after several trials in previous time and I would always end up saying he bought it at an expensive price, I would have designed it myself in a more unique way and at a far less expensive amount, I guess he got the point and now buys fabrics that catch his interest because he knows I would appreciate it better, as it will make my creative mind get working haha.


I'm thankful to God for his care and support, blessing me with a good partner to ride the journey of motherhood together, it isn't easy, but it is worth it all, mothers are meant to be appreciated every day, because they are selfless and carry the burden of all as if it weighs nothing, but trust me, it weighs a lot, I could go on and on, but since this is a needlework post let me go straight to the making process of my dress, the style was inspired as you already know by Mother's day, I wanted something very modest, yet elegant, so I went for the long gathered dress with an underbust cut, and it came out exactly as I had imagined, it was so comfortable to wear, walk around and dance with, haha, there was lots of dancing in church did you checkout the video post?. I combined the African print fabric with a dutchess fabric to design this dress.


Cutting and Sewing Process



  • I started by drafting my upper bodice pattern on a pattern paper, which I later transferred to the dutchess fabric for both the upper front and backside. The front has a V-neckline, an underbust cut as you can see above, another interesting detail is the inverted basque at the hem of the upper side of the dress, not the regular straight joining.



  • Next, I turned them with their lining piece to finish the raw edges neatly



  • For the lower part of this dress, I used four yards of the African print, with my desired length cut out, and gathered, 2 yards were used for the front and the other two for the back.


  • Here, I have joined the upper and lower part of the dress, it is very easy to make and less time-consuming since there is no serious construction going on the lower and even the upper side of the dress. I also attach pockets to the sides.



  • To finish the dress, it was looking too plain, so got this silver applique for about 1$ and gummed it to the under bust joining and the inverted Basque joining, see how it transformed the dress, giving it a more exquisite look, not forgetting to attach a zipper at the back of the dress, and that finished the making process of my beautiful dress.



And here I am adorned in my dress for Mother's Day service in church. Beautiful right?

Let me know what you think about this dress design.

Happy Mothers Day Beautiful mothers on Hive and all over the world, you are awesome!

All images used in this post are mine

Thank you for reading. ❤❤


Ooooohhhhh: I LOVE this dress, dearest @glorydee 🤩
Every aspect of it is beautiful, funky, unique and colourfully yummy - a suitable dress to mark this blessed day and your motherhood! The photo with your daughters is particularly wonderful... thank you for sharing this lovely post 🤗🥰

Thank you so much for your kind comment @clareartista it is well appreciated🥰

This is very beautiful

Thank you so much, you are kind.

Wow simply beautiful!

!discovery 25

Thank you!❤

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If there is something I love about the African tala are its prints that I fall in love with, and this combination for your dress fascinated me, the model is lovely, I congratulate you for your work and your husband for the special detail.

Yeah, African prints are very attractive and easy to work with as they are mostly 100% cotton,

Thank you for the encouragement.

Excellent cotton fabric is very fresh and ideal for any occasion.

Wonderful, this is so elegant, as for me leaving it like that would have be too plain, I love the silver applique it make the dress look so unique, we as a fashion designer we don't lack any miracle to perform, we need to apply wisdom in terms of designing, you did it well and the outcome is really beautiful, I love it dear @glorydee, you look so beautiful and take away, I wish I stayed around you I would have taken you out.
Well done

Ha, pls come and take me out I😂 thank you sis, you always leave a smile on my face with your wonderful comments

The only reason why I’m not jealous is that this dress is not my size
I love the embellishments you used
This is really nice on you and I like your shoe too

Ermmm, you have a way with making clothes look breathtakingly beautiful. This is just my style of gown. Good job.


 last month  

How cute this Glorydee dress, definitely that sparkly applique made all the difference. The design is very beautiful, great attire for mothers day. Congratulations ❤️.

Wow! This dress looks so beautiful. You rocked it so well. Well done!
