Dressed in cashmere for 50cents.

“How much did you pay for your whole outfit you are wearing today?” Gemma asks me, as we drink a coffee in the Italian sunshine.

I have to laugh and then start calculating. Even though the sun is shining I am wearing a lot of layers, winter had arrived. “6 euros and 50 cents, with the shoes!”

Not bad at all. Even without taking into consideration that my sweater and shawl are made from cashmere, my boots are leather and my other sweater hand knitted.

But this isn’t about me bragging how cheap and awesome my wardrobe of that day was.

This is about inspiration and possibilities.

The whole week I was anticipating for the Saturday market. I had heard so much about Clare's inspiring strolls around these stalls. Had already admired plenty of her gorgeous finds. And was now very excited to stroll in there together.

Finally the day arrived and we went to visit that famous 50cent stall.

We gathered a ton (literally) of clothes.

Washed them, which took us nearly a week.

And started to take them apart in all possible directions.

After I had worn cycling trousers for the past six months I couldn’t wait to finally dress up nicely.

The inspiration reaches from wedding dress to lingerie to hunting outfit. Or you might say, inspiration is all over the place and everywhere.

But I have to calm myself down from time to time. I am still here with only one backpack. So the least I can do in this ocean of ideas, is to create outfits instead of single garments. At least the pieces I own would fit together.

Thats how my cashmere outfit came together.

I already had the sweater and the shawl.

The only thing I had left to cover were my legs.

Even though we had brought back a ton of clothes, there wasn’t a ton of cashmere in the same colour. Had I not been lucky enough to find a jumper, scarf and t-shirt in the same shade!

How can I complete the outfit with only one extra t-shirt?

Holding and draping it in different ways in front of the mirror, it didn’t take me long to find it’s new shape.

A bit of unpicking.

Draping and pining.

Sewing and trying on.

Cashmere skirt.

Made from a T-Shirt.

How much did my outfit cost that day? Jumper, shawl and skirt with tights, 4 euros and 50 cents and many hours gladly spent sewing, searching and reconstructing.

Thanks for stopping by, enjoy Monday!

*All photos and words are my own taken and written by myself ©kesityu.


The sophistication beats the amount for sure, it's one of the reason I love visiting your post, how you turn a cheap wear to a million dollar outfit, the photography and modeling just gives it the perfect finish.

❤️ Thank you!! It's beautiful to hear that from you, really!😊

Aaaahhhh, I love this post so so much, dearest soulsister @kesityu.fashion !! It reminds me of all the goodness in what we are doing! Sewing at the heart of a healthy domestic alchemy is a richness that cannot be compared, when we have access to such a wealth of woolly treasures... I miss the 50c stall! And your presence! In the new year, I will be focussing all my energies on finding new community like ourselves!


Yes I miss it too (and it's nice to go through it again now by posting, writing and reading about it), though I still have left overs to work on😁

Thank you😊❤️

I will be focussing all my energies on finding new community like ourselves!



Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you @ewkaw 😊😘

You're very welcome :D