Holes in my jumper.

Snow on the roofs of the houses and your breath is following you like thick cloud of smoke. The nordic wind is howling all around. Suddenly you become aware of every tiny hole in your jumper that you could look over so far. But now they have become gateways for the icy air to enter and pierce your skin with frost.

Who is fixing your clothes?

With my mind and body jumping all over the place in recent weeks I found the joy of simple sewing in between.

In between loose ends of threads. Woven strings unweaving. Loops unraveling.

Rather than starting big projects and leaving them gather dust on the floor, I have a few colourful threads and needles in different corners, ready to sew or fix some stitches. Laying around waiting for me to pick them up, when I am in between doing two other things.

As I wait for my morning coffee bubbling up, anticipating the smell of coffee filling up the whole kitchen, I sew. With the sunlight barely starting to being some light into the day, seams of hand stitching are unfolding before me.

It might just be 15minutes and a few stitches. But ever since, I have finished a few projects on the pile.

Fifteen minutes of hand sewing a day and a week later I see myself running out of projects.

Looking around myself, still determinate not to start any big vision-projects, my eyesight catches some holes in a cashmere jumper.

And I sew, in between.

In between one coffee and the other. Connecting one loop of thread to it’s missing end. Filling up another gap.

Fixing holes.

Who would have thought I could ever get that excited about mending holes?

I replace each one with a star.

Different colours all over.

A lot of holes to fill.

Three morning coffees later.

A jumper full of stars.

Sewing in between might end up as just sewing, and drinking coffee, the whole day, sitting in the kitchen, mending holes. A never ending source of inspiration. Soon all my jumpers and socks will be covered in stars.

Who is fixing your clothes?

Thanks for stopping by, have a lovely Monday!

All photos and words are owned by ©kesityu taken and written by myself.


It is always beautiful for me to see how you are able to fix and upcycle so many clothes. I believe more people should do this and I hope to be able to put my mind to it myself some day.

Thank you!! well I think many people could potentially really enjoy it:) ...maybe you'll start to sew in your van, together with your beautiful breakfast views:)

Why am I living the mended outcome compared to its original look, damn, it must be those colours or the hand that made them, so beautiful, I can't make these stats, would you care to teach us, like a step-by-step process in between stitch, I would love to learn, yesterday I shared a post on how I mended a burnt hole using another method.

I love what you do, keep at it!🤗

Thank you for this lovely comment, I love to read them every time💜 and for your enthusiasm!
Yes that's a great Idea, I'll do one step-by-step, in the end it is fairly simple. I am sure you would enjoy it:)

Lack of sewing skill costs me having some moms woolen jumpers sitting in closet.
Afraid gonna ruin them 🫣

Aah I am sure you can get into it!! "Ruined" is only a matter of perspective, thats also why I love to leave the mend visible, so there is no pressure in having to look perfect or like there never was a hole😊
Or just get them out and wear them with holes fuck it😁

I'll pick last option. 😂

I've tried! It looks so easy staring at your stars, 0 talent here. 😂

...well you have the cooking talent, I guess anyone will forgive you the holes in the jumpers😁

Yeah, I have ability to make all people jumpers tiny 😂

There is a yearly handcraft ”theme” that is chosen here in Finland and I think it was last year when the theme was mending. This kind of visible mending is not my style but I appreciate everyone who mends rather than throws away a garment. I have a few merino base layers with holes in them, but I’m too lazy to fix them 😅

That's interesting, and then you just get lots of people doing and sharing their work?
Well I must say, I might not want stars on every piece of clothes I own😁
But yes indeed, trowing away isn't really an option, especially when you love all the cashmeres and merino wools...
(used to be as well, though I could see you mending in your beautiful house with yarn matching the wall colours😊)

There are a few big craft fairs where the theme is on show and maybe people just pay attention to that thing more for a while.

Absolutely, one must mend them cashmeres asap! When I gift any knitwear I usually throw in a bit of that yarn, at least the main colour, so if it needs to be repaired there is a perfect match available. Honestly I think clothing manufacturers should do the same along with those extra buttons.

I think I have seen it, with some woollen jumpers (a piece of thread with it), but then again I usually buy them all secondhand so if there was any chance for it I would be too late😁

That's interesting, and then you just get lots of people doing and sharing their work?
Well I must say, I might not want stars on every piece of clothes I own😁
But yes indeed, trowing away isn't really an option, especially when you love all the cashmeres and merino wools...
(used to be as well, though I could see you mending in your beautiful house with yarn matching the wall colours😊)

These stars are VERY beautiful, dearest @kesityu.fashion - so art-full and perfect in how they replace the holes... I love doing these kind of repairs, but I need to up-my-game in the beauty of the contrasting repairs, as you are doing! It is gorgeous to read too, of how small work sessions add up: it is quite magical this method, eh! A very feminine power, of accruing the rewards of small, repetitive actions: domestic alchemy.

Domestic alchemy indeed. I could spend my whole winter like this, in front of the fire, fixing up holes😁
Now that I am starting to look into it it's very interesting how you can mend in many different "visible" ways. And I did get inspired by you fixing up one of your tartans with I think it was pink thread? and of course @calendulacraft and her mending😊
...luckily there is plenty of holes recurring in cashmere jumpers😁

Once again,your creativity comes with intelligence
You’re really talented and you inspire me for real!

Thank you😘 glad you got some inspiration from it😊

This is such a good practice, 15 minutes of sewing a day. It reminds me a bit of the book "Little Women" where the sisters worked on sewing projects collectively every night and chatted or one read aloud as the others were sewing. I really should get back into this! Back when I was traveling it was such a comforting little ritual to get out my sewing kit and fix clothing. But even now that I am sedentary I still have a lot of mending to do. I will be borrowing this inspiration as sewing in the morning sunlight, surrounded by the aroma of coffee sounds, just magical!!

It is, I really enjoy it as one kind of ritual:) I'll have to look into that book sounds really cute!!
And thank you for another lovely comment💛☕️

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Cheers @ewkaw 💛🥂

Cheers :D 🥂

You are such a talented woman, thank you for blessing this community with your creative projects.

💜 thank you for your wonderful compliment! I am very glad to be part of it😊

I guess it's the day that we fix holes, haha! Lovely work as always!!!
I still have some holes left in my project, maybe I'll use your way as well, so beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

looks like it😁
Thank you for your lovely words!!