How 5 Minutes turn into 5 weeks.

Sometimes the smallest details are the most exciting to think of. And the hardest to put into reality.


They don’t really have something to do with the thing they stick on, but yet they are the ones presenting it. They can change the whole appearance in the blink of your eye.

They tell you wether there is love for detail in the thing you are touching or if it is mass production. They invite you to learn more about the brand or put you off the spirit.

With so much pressure on such a little piece of fabric, I can say that I find them very exciting to think of but one of the hardest things to design.

It had already been a very productive day, I had managed to get a few very uninspiring yet mandatory things out of my way. Indenting to change my vibe from “paper work” to “creative” I thought I quickly order these tags I was meant to order for ages.

I needed new tags for my clothe collections, my signature on the things I make. The previous ones didn’t hold well, one wash and the letters became barely readable. Shouldn’t have went for printed tags. But thats how you learn.

This time I just wanted simple, something to work with straight away and over-engineere later. White tags and black letters, woven. “Takes 5minutes”, I thought.

Around five hours later, close to midnight. I was still sitting there choosing between light-gray and dark-gray, all my clothes on the floor of which I had examined every single tag. Switching between light letters and dark ones, to wondering if I should include some colour. Was it the right typo I was using? Or should I use my logo instead of lettres?

Eventually I accepted, that I was in no more position to take an objective decision on any design or colour anymore. I went with the last bit of intuition I had left instead.

My card let me down several times, but after the fifth or so try I managed to order.

They took another eternity to arrive, from Germany.

Yesterday, finally I teared the envelope apart, expecting another disaster of faded colours that do not look like expected and me wondering what part of my brain was responsible for these choices.

I seem to have made the right choices, because I really like them.

Dark gray letters on black.


Leaving room for impressions and stories.

Inviting instead of screaming.

Unveiling a little, and leaving some for the imagination.

Thank you for passing by, have a lovely Monday!

All photos and words are owned by ©kesityu taken and written by myself.


I like it!! It's the kind of tag I would want to see on the outside, edge of a sleeve, hem of a sweater, cuff of a beanie, something like that.

Thank you!! True I shouldn't just hide it away in the neckline, I'll do that:)

Shouldn’t have went for printed tags. But thats how you learn.

Oh yes! And sometimes it hurts, but there is no alternative. I am in a point right now that almost everything hurts, haha, and almost everything is a new lesson!
And these five minutes thing, I hear you! The same every single time, that's a lesson I can't learn apparently :))

Thanks for sharing your experience! The new tags are beautiful, simple and elegant. I think they look perfect for what you represent through your beautiful creations!

Thank you!! how nice to hear from you:)

Ah it's a thing, the learning one, and true as long as it's not "solved" it just comes back endlessly. But then again once you get it I find it a quite empowering and inspiring feeling to know that you managed to learn through it... Anyways I wish you the best, on your way and with wich ever lesson you have to deal with!! Hope it turns out for the better, for you!:)

Same to you :)

Thank you!!😊😘

Looks so professional! ^^
How's the material though? Any potentially scratchy edges?
(Asking for sensory overload reasons.)



Thank you😊
Hmm it could potentially be a bit scratchy I think, but then again I was thinking to sew them on to places where it doesn't bother... I have yet to try it though:)

Dear, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @josie2214.

Cool! I totally love the tag dark background, I've been thinking of creating mine as well, to help present my designs, also considering these darker background.

Thank you!!
Yes, do it!! :) I really think (now) that dark background is a great choice, I feel it would fit a lot of different fabrics and patterns...

Wow, this reminds me of my one goal to have a fashion label for my brand, this post has inspired me to take it seriously as it adds class to an outfit. I enjoyed reading thanks for sharing.

Ooh that's lovely to hear!! Yes I would love to see you making your tags (and already wonder what they would look like!) Go for it!!:)

Beautiful, dearest !! I love your nuanced final decision: perfection 😍 I came up with a name/ umbrella term that I might put to my creations, soon... It is really good to see your process, and to get a gorgeous sense, from your photos, how it will feel to add our tag or label to a freshly-finished garment! Mmmmmm: looking forward to that!

Thank you😊💕... aha I really like yours too! and even all the other ways you could "tag" a piece of clothes. Didn't we speak of shells and ceramic button/tags?
I am indeed looking forward to sew them on to some clothes😁

They look awesome and more importantly: you like them :<)
How great to have your own tag.

I would suggest not just putting them on clothing but also on other objects haha! ;<)


Thank you:)
That is a great idea...I'll tag my whole surrounding, anything that isn't able to defend itself 😁😁

Hahaha! You do that?

You kind of make it sound like a paintball session ;^)

I might have to order some more, otherwise there will be none left for the clothes..

Haha! You do that ;<)

I think you chose well. 😊

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Thank you:)

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Wow this is so nicely, the tan dark background is so beautiful, good work 💯💯 Dear

You’re definitely an inspiration and definitely your creativity comes with high level intelligence.

Thank you😊😘

So cool I love the color mix you picked for the tag. It’s really cool.

Thank you, glad to hear that:)

The labels are just as important as the packaging, it may not seem like that but if they are ugly or uncomfortable or itchy on the skin, people will always notice them, sometimes if they are comfortable and pretty they just stay there, it is a good label design , I like the contrast of gray and black.

It is indeed!! We shouldn't really overlook these little details!
Thank you:)