Interwoven memories.

in NeedleWorkMonday6 months ago (edited)

A sweater from a Bulgarian secondhand shop. The yellow vest that saved my life while cycling to Istanbul. A crochet blanket made by a south Italian granny.

Each of these items would have never been worn by myself again, if I am very honest. I would have still kept them though.

Makes no sense?

Every time I would pick up that red oversized sweater, I would remember the day I picked it up. Strolling through Sofia, Bulgarias capital, after we had survived the busy roads to get in. At the time I decided the time for black hoodies was over, so I was looking for a replacement.
That new secondhand sweater had accompanied me all the way to Istanbul and further. Many times I appreciated wearing that bright red fabric, reflecting my mood and covering my body.

How could I ever get rid of it? Even though I didn’t wear it in a few weeks and would probably less and less in all the days to come.

As I pack my backpack, sorting out what I really need, my yellow vest slides through my hands. You don’t need a yellow vest if you aren’t cycling! Adding to that, those vests are probably the most unattractive pice of “clothing” that exists.

How many times did I look at my reflection, wondering how just a yellow vest could make me look that stupid?

But then I think back of all the busy roads, tunnels and motorways I have been cycling on. Maybe only the fact that I am still alive only depends on me, wearing that piece of yellow and reflective stripes. Can I really get rid of the garment that saved my life? Even though I will probably never wear it again?

On a Saturday morning market in the south of Italy I pull a crochet blanket out of a pile of fabric. Bright coloured thread hocked together in some of the neighbouring villages, by someones grandmother. How could I not appreciate the craft and dedication in this shawl? Even though I would probably never wear it as such. A souvenir for the time I spent here.

I took them all apart.

And sewed them back together.

Reflective strips, because we love them.

A two piece, because they are fun.

Cropped sweater. Shorts. And socks.

Sport meets old fashion.

Will I go for a run in that outfit? Or walk my dog in Central Park?

A coffee in Paris? Or yoga in the countryside?

Bulgarian sweater, life saving jacked and Italian craft.

Interwoven memories.

Cheers for stopping by. Enjoy your Monday!

All photos and words are my own, taken and written by myself ©kesityu.


This is a unique outfit, and the colour got me loving up💗💗💗💗💗, I love how you pose in most of your needlework posts, it's always inspiring. Thank you for sharing.

Thank you!!!😊💜 that is great to hear, really inspires me to keep it going!!😘


@amiegeoffrey sent you LUV 🙂 (1/4)

Made with LUV by crrdlx

I just love you and your brilliance. Seriously this is so inventive. The way you displayed your creative work with your posing is so entrancing.

I love what you did with all of your memorable pieces. It’s really inspiring how you value the craft of others and turn them into something you can love longer. Sports and old fashion look quite good together.

Really beautiful what you put together ~

Thank you, that is really inspiring to hear!!😊
I also have to say that part of all my inspiration and thrive to keep doing what I am doing is thanks to all of you here and of course @clareartistas wonderful sewing room and sewing company that made me come up with this outfit!:)
Really appreciate your comments, always❤️


It always warms my heart hearing how people are inspired through interactions from this community. It really makes a difference having other likeminded friends around to help, support and inspire. 💓

It does make a difference indeed!!
Thinking how far we all live from each other and still get to connect, its beautiful😊

Yes indeed!!! 🤗🥰😍❤️

Wow! This is excellent creativity at it's peak, I couldn't stop staring at the brilliant final look, I will rock this outfit to all the places you mentioned and more, it is unique, stylish, and beautiful, I would come for it if we lived in the same country😂

Heheh I am sure you would😁 ...mind you I would do the same with your outfits!! (until all our wardrobes are completely mixed up😅)
😘Thank you, it's great to hear you liked it!!

Love this! Hilarious story and some serious magic. Remixing the good the bad and the ugly into something beautiful. This is creativity at its peak!

Great picture! Did @clareartista take them? :^)


Thank you😊
...indeed I have to say I am very pleased with the result😁 A shame it is just too cold to wear it!!

You already got the answer:) was my phone all by itself

it was my phone all by itself

Your phone is very intelligen and creative ;<)

I'll pass the compliment:)

I didn't take any of these photos, dear @vincentnijman - she is much better at photography than me!!


OOOhhhh I love what you've done with this combo, all the meanings layered in from three different things. Beautiful. Sexy hawt look! Those leggings, with crochet, the whole way you did those is incredible. The colours really appeal to me. The entire design looks so good on you, totally suits you.

Thank you!!!
I do really like it too, and was quite stretching my patience while sewing, couldn't wait to wear it😁 (though it is quite too cold now for such an outfit...)

My pleasure. It gets like that when making anything, but more so when it's something extra special to you. There is always the wearing inside where it's warm, with something warm to cover for outside wear, maybe a cloak with that fur... 😄 are right! I should stop finding excuses and just wear some layers😁
The fur is in use now!!😊 doesn't cover much(it's just a vest) but still makes such a difference (in warmth) I am very pleased with it!!

This look so amazing, it will really make sense to wear during the amatan season

Thank you! Sure it is rather suitable for summer weather.

That socks looks amazing, I would totally wear that. The colors, the stitches, everything is just pretty.

Thank you dear, thats really nice to hear:)

Wooooow! Extremely cool and amazing🤩

🌸💕 Thank you!😊

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you @ewkaw 😊💜

I love the socks... they are so beautiful... the complete took it is stoning...

Thank you!! glad to hear that😊

What a wonderful story and wonderful knits to go along with it! Love the creativity <3

Thank you😁
thats really nice to hear, glad you enjoyed the story😊

Ahh what a cute idea, I love it!

Thank you!!!:)

This is soo good. And the model bodied it. This is art.

Thank you!! :)

This is soooo beautiful and inventive! And I'm really glad you didn't use any of that yellow material.

Also, you have great legs!

Thank you!!❤️
..I tried really hard to think of something to use the yellow in, but can't find anything, it's just too odd😁

I love this collaged outfit!! so creative and inspiring. It is amazing how clothing can hold so much memory and now you have a few memories rolled into one.

Thank you!! Indeed I love this way of keeping the memories together especially in a new form:)