FOCUS CHALLENGE - Outfit for my Barbie - Atuendo para mi Barbie ( Eng - Esp)

Hello to all the beautiful people in this beautiful #NeedleWorkMonday community. A heartfelt greeting to our dear @crosheille, who is always very attentive to everything we do and above all exhorts us to improve every day in our work. I am so excited to once again participate in this amazing FocusYour Needlework Challenge contest !. I hope that like me many embroiderers and crocheters will take up the challenge.

I can honestly tell you that I love contests not for winning a prize, but for participating. If at some point I have not made publications either by my health or just busy with things at home, but I am pending to check the page to see what's new.

Looking through my things I found many hidden treasures. In my country we are in summer season. I created an outfit for someone who has been an icon in our lives, from our childhood until now that we are not so little girls, it is about our beloved Barbie, in previous contests we made one alluding to her, however it is worth the occasion to use our creativity.

I confess that I am not a professional in the art of photography. While I was taking the pictures my hands were shaking, at times I was desperate, but it is better to take the plunge than to die trying. However it was an unforgettable experience, between participating in the contest, my secular work and taking care of my family it took me three days to finish these little things. My greatest difficulty was in the elaboration of the hat and boots, for a moment I thought, this set will take me a week to finish it, however it was not like that, with a lot of patience I achieved my goal.

Hola a todas las bellas personas de esta hermosa comunidad #LunesDeTrabajo. Un saludo de corazón a nuestra querida @crosheille, que siempre está muy atenta a todo lo que hacemos y sobre todo nos exhorta a mejorar cada día en nuestro trabajo. Estoy tan emocionada de participar una vez más en este increíble concurso Focus Your Needlework Challenge! . Espero que como yo muchas bordadoras y ganchilleras acepten el reto.

Sinceramente os puedo decir que me encantan los concursos no por ganar un premio, sino por participar. Si en algún momento no he hecho publicaciones ya sea por mi salud o simplemente ocupada con cosas de la casa, pero estoy pendiente de revisar la página para ver que hay de nuevo.

Buscando entre mis cosas encontré muchos tesoros escondidos. En mi país estamos en temporada de verano. He creado un atuendo para alguien que ha sido un icono en nuestras vidas, desde nuestra infancia hasta ahora que ya no somos tan niñas, se trata de nuestra querida Barbie, en concursos anteriores hicimos uno alusivo a ella, sin embargo vale la ocasión para usar nuestra creatividad.

Confieso que no soy una profesional en el arte de la fotografía. Mientras tomaba las fotos me temblaban las manos, por momentos me desesperaba, pero es mejor lanzarse que morir en el intento. Sin embargo fue una experiencia inolvidable, entre participar en el concurso, mi trabajo secular y cuidar de mi familia tardé tres días en terminar estas cositas. Mi mayor dificultad estuvo en la elaboración del sombrero y las botas, por un momento pensé, este conjunto me tomará una semana terminarlo, sin embargo no fue así, con mucha paciencia logré mi objetivo.

For the skirt, I folded the vichi fabric, folded it again to cut on the bias, pinned the fabric mold and cut, leaving a centimeter seam allowance at the hem and waist.

Para la falda, doblé la tela vichi, la volví a doblar para cortar al bies, prendí el molde de tela con alfileres y corté, dejando un margen de costura de un centímetro en el dobladillo y la cintura.

For the shirt with neckline I did the same procedure but just folded the fabric, sewed, then closed the skirt seam and took a selvage to leave a small opening in the skirt and burned the edge of the skirt with a tinder.

Para la camisa con escote hice el mismo procedimiento pero sólo doblé la tela, cosí, luego cerré la costura de la falda y tomé un orillo para dejar una pequeña abertura en la falda y quemé el borde de la falda con un yesquero.

After gluing the shirt with the neckline to the skirt, I closed the seam on the skirt leaving a small hole, then burned the edge with a tinderbox.

Después de pegar la camisa con el escote a la falda, cerré la costura de la falda dejando un pequeño agujero, y luego quemé el borde con un yesquero.

At the neck part I made a small fold, pinned it and then sewed. Next I cut a piece of fabric, which I folded and sewed together to form a cord. I used a blunt needle to thread the cord through the hole in the collar.

En la parte del cuello hice un pequeño pliegue, lo sujeté con alfileres y luego cosí. A continuación corté un trozo de tela, que doblé y cosí para formar un cordón. Utilicé una aguja sin punta para pasar el cordón por el agujero del cuello.

Looking for a focus I found this beauty.

Buscando un enfoque encontré esta belleza.

For the elaboration of the hat I drew a circle to the eye percent, inside the circle I made another smaller one, with the tip of the scissors I made a hole, cut and made some pegs bending each one upwards, which will make the brim of the hat. From there I cut the crown of 2.5cm wide x 12cm long, I glued it all around the edge of the pegs with hot glue stick.

Para la elaboración del sombrero dibujé un círculo al ojo por ciento, dentro del círculo hice otro más pequeño, con la punta de las tijeras hice un agujero, corté e hice unas clavijas doblando cada una hacia arriba, que harán el ala del sombrero. A partir de ahí corté la corona de 2,5cm de ancho x 12cm de largo, la pegué por todo el borde de las clavijas con pegamento caliente en barra.

For the lid, draw an oval and its peaks, cut with scissors and fold the peaks.

Para la tapa dibuja un óvalo y sus picos, corta con las tijeras y dobla los picos.

I used a denim fabric to cut three circles, one I glued with hot glue stick on the lid of the hat, another I placed it folded on top of the lid making a picket.

Utilice una tela vaquera para cortar tres círculos, uno lo pegué con pegamento caliente en barra en la tapa del sombrero, otro lo coloqué doblado encima de la tapa haciendo un piquete.

I opened up the picket a little more, with that I lined the brim of the hat, with the third circle I lined the inside of the hat. Then I cut a strip and sewed the edges.

Abrí el piquete un poco más, con eso forré el ala del sombrero, con el tercer círculo forré el interior del sombrero. Luego corté una tira y cosí los bordes.

This angle gave me a focus challenging , it reflects being comfortable and cool.

Este ángulo me dio un enfoque desafiante , refleja estar cómodo y fresco.

I got pieces of semi leather, took the brown color, which I folded, stitched on both sides and turned it over.

Conseguí trozos de semipiel, cogí el color marrón, que doblé, cosí por ambos lados y le di la vuelta.

I made some cuts on the sides forming a flange, I cut a strip that I placed as a handle, gluing it on the outside, I made a small heart as decoration, there I made two holes for the flange to enter and exit.

Hice unos cortes en los laterales formando una pestaña, corté una tira que coloqué como asa, pegándola por fuera, hice un pequeño corazón como decoración, ahí hice dos agujeros para que entrara y saliera la pestaña.

Making my best angle with this focus challenge, all a Diva.

Haciendo mi mejor ángulo con este desafío de enfoque, toda una Diva.

For the elaboration of the boots use denim fabric, proceeding to sew on the leg in a tubular way, extracting two pieces.

Para la elaboración de las botas utilizaremos tela vaquera, procediendo a coser en la pierna de forma tubular, extrayendo dos piezas.


On the cardboard I painted the mold of the barbie's foot and from there I cut out several stencils.

Sobre el cartón pinté el molde del pie de la barbie y a partir de ahí recorté varias plantillas.

I then punched holes in the denim, inserted a cardboard template and lined it with the fabric, then glued three templates into one.

A continuación, hice agujeros en la tela vaquera, introduje una plantilla de cartón y la forré con la tela, después pegué tres plantillas en una.

I proceeded to glue the three templates into one, then I cut two templates in yellow foami, which will make the sole of the boot and finally I cut a strip of black foami gluing it all around the edge of the sole.

Procedí a pegar las tres plantillas en una sola, luego corté dos plantillas en foami amarillo, que harán la suela de la bota y por último corté una tira de foami negro pegándola por todo el borde de la suela.

I glued a blue ribbon around the entire top edge of the boot and then, with a blunt needle, I made two intertwined perforations from right to left and vice versa, until I got a beautiful decoration.

Pegué una cinta azul alrededor de todo el borde superior de la bota y luego, con una aguja sin punta, hice dos perforaciones entrelazadas de derecha a izquierda y viceversa, hasta conseguir una bonita decoración.

Simply beautiful and fresh as a wild flower. With her hat to protect her from the hot sun. Her outfit could not miss her beautiful handbag with heart applique, not to mention the flirty boots that match any occasion.

Doing these little things, it was a beautiful trip, I enjoyed every moment. Despite everything, the camera on my Tecno Spark 8C phone was up to the task of Focus Your NeedleWork, and I was able to edit the photos through My greatest joy is seeing the goal accomplished. See you soon.

Sencillamente bella y fresca como una flor silvestre. Con su sombrero para protegerse del ardiente sol. En su outfit no podía faltar su precioso bolso de mano con apliques de corazones, por no hablar de las coquetas botas que combinan con cualquier ocasión.

Haciendo estas pequeñas cosas, fue un viaje precioso, disfruté de cada momento. A pesar de todo, la cámara de mi teléfono Tecno Spark 8C estuvo a la altura de Focus Your NeedleWork, y pude editar las fotos a través de Mi mayor alegría es ver el objetivo cumplido. Hasta pronto.


I’m very happy that you have taken on the challenge. I can see that you went outside the ordinary and found some different locations to photograph your work.

I even like the way you presented your work process within the individual photos. That hat is so cute and goes well with her dress.

Your photos are definitely brighter. A note/tip I’d like to add for you to think about and be careful for us overexposure. It is good to make sure our photos are bright but the time of day you take the photos plays a big part in how the overall composition looks. The dimmer sun (right after sunrise and right before sunset) would highlight your project but not give it too much sun where is hard to see the details (overexposed or washed out) of your hard work.

I like the last photo you did. Even though she’s in the shade you can still see some details. Sometimes we may still have to give a little more light (like towards her face) if we do shaded areas. You can achieve this with using your phones built in editing tools. 😉

Keep up the good work. As you practice more and more you’ll get a better feel and more ideas will come for your creativity on how to pose and capture your projects. This is a nice step toward your improvement of photography. Nice work ~ 😊

Thank you @crosheille, for your guidance, I treasure it like the most precious treasure. Every day I will try harder to do my best.

You're very welcome. Glad to hear it ~ 😉

Hola!! 💕 Me sorprende mucho que le hiciste el outfit completo con todos los accesorios y super detallados, además estos trabajos en este tamaño deben requerir mucha paciencia!! 🌷 Te felicito!!

That's right my dear @imena, it was hard work, but the best of all is that I enjoyed it.

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Curated by Blessed-girl


Enhorabuena, su "post" ha sido "up-voted" por @dsc-r2cornell, que es la "cuenta curating" de la Comunidad de la Discordia de @R2cornell.

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Thank you for your support.

Todo el atuendo está sensacional, muy bonito. Me encanta ese sombrero, ideal para cubrirse del fuerte sol que agarró durante la sesión fotográfica. Bonito trabajo.

Thanks @creacioneslelys , I appreciate your comment.

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My previous @v4vapp proposal has expired. I have a new one which is running but unfunded right now. I'm still running @v4vapp and all my other services.

I've just updated and I'm getting ready for some exciting new features after the next hard fork.

Please consider asking your friends to vote for prop #265 or consider unvoting the return vote.

For understandable reasons in the current crypto climate it is harder to get funded by the DHF, I accept this so I'm asking a wider audience for help again. I'll also add that I power up Hive every day and usually power up larger amounts on 1st of the Month. I'm on Hive for ideological reasons much more than for only economic benefit.

Additionally you can also help with a vote for Brianoflondon's Witness using KeyChain or HiveSigner

If you have used I'd really like to hear your feedback, and if you haven't I'd be happy to hear why or whether there are other things you want it to do.