Ball dress is now set for Christmas

Hello Hive.

Am happy to come around and share with us this beautiful ball dress that gave me so much trouble and concern to make.
Remember I started making this dress here where the ball dresses I want to design as my little sis Christmas dress went all wrong.

It had no fitting and the pattern used in company of the measurements all gave something out of place.

Am happy with the final out come now as I went and sat back to think of the best possible way to save the dress.

I loosen all the seam and recut the dress.

The wider armhole was reduced from the shoulder part, and thank God for some extra allowances on the dress that gave me the privileged to be able to reshaped the upper bodice.


Every part that didnt set and was adjustable, I managed to crop it out. And now you can see the difference in both dresses, where I made mistake with B


Despite all the adjustment there was one thing I couldn't correct.
The fabric type was wrong.
I wished I had bought a foam material that will give the dress the fullness seen in ball dresses.
The particular one didn't achieve that.

Myself and the girls with an initial dress I made for them using the foam material that gave it a better setting.

The only way I can have that effect is to sew a bouncer. Something like a net that they can wear under to add the extra fullness to the dress.

I added a touch of simply embellishments I found available at home and I saved the dress for today, at least she can wear this for now.




My sis loves her dress and so was my niece when hers was delivered.






Christmas is set and we are ready to celebrate.
Thank you all for been part of our joy.


Nice job dear.

Wow! This is really beautiful😍. Merry Christmas Dear💖💖

You did a great job. I appreciate all the work you did, because I work in alterations at a bridal shop and I know how much ripping, recutting, and such goes into fixing a dress. Merry Christmas! !BBH

Awwn, am glad you understand what I went through with this dress.
Thanks. Sis

Because this is such an awesome post, here is a BBH Tip for you. . Keep up the fantastic work

Wow beautiful thanks for sharing