Had you invested 1K ten years ago, here's what #BTC vs other assets would compare

in Nerday4 years ago

When we look at the past 10 YEARS, it's been a great time for some very early investors.

Just to give a bit more insight into this, I thought we'd look into look at a few other assets and how they compared.

Here in the Nerday community I will help to alert new members that are new to cryptocurrency as they join this group, that the horizon has just started and they couldn't be apart of the cryptocurrency revolution at a better time!

The numbers below are exactly what would off happened 10 years ago, had you allocated 1K into each of these asset classes.

  • Google: $6k
  • Facebook: $9k
  • Amazon: $22k
  • Netflix: $34k
  • Tesla: $159k
  • Bitcoin: $237M

Popular blogger Shaan Puri just spoke about this, and his figures are completely correct!

The question you need to ask yourself is how many more years do you want to go living in the MATRIX where you are not apart of this, the writing is on the wall in my view.

Now while we can't expect exactly that 1K will amount to the same 10 years from now, as unfortunately the hyper cycle is a bit past -- you can make sure that there will be a sizable return.

The option is yours on what to select, but with the endless printing machines my bet is on the asset that has a limited supply and can't be printed out of thin air!

@originate Developer & Market Analyst

Invest in Crypto! You don't have to convince me :)

👍 Higher the better