100k Zing goal achieved

in Holozing Community4 months ago

What next ?


So here we are - the goal of 100k Zing has been reached now, a total of 112.41k Zing staked as of today and its about to grow. I know some of you have been interested to know how much we can earn from delegation. If you see my previous post, then I had around 53k then. And if that took 10 days to yield around 50k Zing, 100k seems to be faster than that. The staking rewards are now increasing, so the amount of zing with the same delegation is probably getting bigger. I am not behind the exact numbers though.


This puts me at the 38th position in Top Contributors Category, so that means, there are a lot of people holding much more - I just own 0.46 % - so that's nothing. I don't have any wish to see myself at a certain position in this list, so I am fine with wherever it goes.


Zing Staking reward is now 33.5% (compared to 37.87% in my last post), so that is also decreasing, but since the number of Zings are increasing, more tokens are yielded. Now the real question, should I stop delegating as my goal is achieved ? And the answer is NO, BECAUSE based on a recent tweet from the creator of the game, the reward is almost 3x compared to curation rewards on #hive, and that too without any effort except clicking few buttons.

So I will continue the delegation for some more time, and once the game is ready, we can probably have better visibility on how everything is going to shape up. I have earlier invested in STEM tokens, CUB, but then nothing much happened and all my investments / excitements were dead. In fact CUB is probably dead now, nobody even talks about it. But for Zing, I have some special feelings, because, the usability is what makes a token more attractive and Zing will definitely be more scarce as more and more people from outside know about it. What do you think ?


copyrights @sanjeevm - content created uniquely with passion for #HIVE platform — NOT posted anywhere else! #HIVE is my only social diary - my blog is my life.

AI free content - do not loose your natural intelligence.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


This is awesome. About 112k Zing in just few days sounds interesting and inspiring. I think it's time for me to key into this project too even though I don't have much power to delegate. Can I get the original Zing site to delegate?

I think it's time for me to key into this project

100%, and I think, they have a lot of contests going on that gives opportunity to create the creatures and you will be a good fit, so don't miss them. Here is the site :


don't forget you can use a ref link now

(and set who referred you if you haven't yet)


That's a good point, the referral are going to work only after the starter packs are available, right ?

The rewards will work then yes when sale is live and people are spending hive to purchase packs, but being able to set a referrer is only possible for a limited time. After the sale starts you won't be able to place it any longer and the only way to get referrals is to invite new people to the game, either through hive or through other wallets in the future.

but being able to set a referrer is only possible for a limited time.

So I can set my referrer for a limited time, but what about my referral link ? I mean if people use my referral link then I should be their referrer and that should be possible always ? And what is the timeline for setting my referrer ?

yes for referring it'll be lifetime and you'll be able to refer forever from now on, since people won't be able to set a referrer after the sale launches that's when it'll be removed to set a referrer then to keep it fair and give pre-registered accounts a chance to set a referrer til then.

The option will be removed before the sale starts, we'll announce it in time.

Yeah, I thought of sketching/painting one of the characters this week.
Thanks for the link.

This post has been manually curated by @bhattg from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

Do you know that you can earn a passive income by delegating to @indiaunited. We share more than 100 % of the curation rewards with the delegators in the form of IUC tokens. HP delegators and IUC token holders also get upto 20% additional vote weight.

Here are some handy links for delegations: 100HP, 250HP, 500HP, 1000HP.


100% of the rewards from this comment goes to the curator for their manual curation efforts. Please encourage the curator @bhattg by upvoting this comment and support the community by voting the posts made by @indiaunited.

Congratulations on your achievement!

Wao, I love the way you motivated yourself to get to this point. This is very massive. Kudos to you

Again gaming always put me behind in the race. I did delegated everything accumulated 7k of zing. ....but the fldigitsl gaming is far behind my understanding...

gaming is far behind my understanding

Same here, but this time, I will give this to my daughter, instead of playing other games, let her play this.

Congratulations on reaching your 100k zing staking goal

Thank you.

You're welcome

Congratulations for this fantastic achievement of 100k Zing

Thank you.

Awesome, I too have 8K Staked Zing

Zing is creating lot of buzz.

Incredible!! really amazing goal achievement man! it thinks this type of incredible post not only necessary are inspirational for all stakers in the community!! Thanks for share!

Congrats on the 100+k Zing. I didn't see that tweet so finding out that Zing return is outpacing curation rewards is nice. Not financial advice, but the liquidity pools seem to have higher APR than simply delegating HP.

liquidity pools seem to have higher APR than simply delegating HP.

I have not been able to understand it fully still.

Neither have I. I just like the high APR haha. But a post I read gave an alternate way to look at it. If you like both coins [ZING and Hive for this pool], then it doesn't really matter much.

Congratulations for achieving a huge amount of this token and hope this token will bring you good results later on.

Congratulations dear on your 100k Zing task achievement.

Wow!! this is super impressive dear friend. way to go!!

Wow what a great milestone you have achieved and this is great to see

Bro many congratulations to you on reaching 112k zing token.
Good to see you are standing in the 38th position the in ranking overall.

You heard more than 100k $Zing in a few days?
You’re motivating me right now
I love that!

You are getting this coin at a rapid pace, which is a good thing. keep collecting.

cool! that's powerful. congrats! 😉👊

only 0.46% still :)

Congratulations dear,
To set goals is not the final stage but to achieve it.
In your own case, you did not only set a goal but you achieved your goal and that is the character everyone should emulate

Of course I remember the day you gave the delegation and in no time you have achieved your goals here and we have seen that nothing happens without hard work if you don't have HP. Can never get them.

Amazing. You're one of the top contributors.

Very good job. Best of luck 👍

Thank you.

you are doing amazing job... you are inspirational for me in #holozing....

Wow what a great milestone you have achieved and this is great to see
