Getting Started with HOLOZING

Games have always had a way of easing tension, stress, and pressure from your day's usual activities. Most games can be useful for meditation, and learning and others for healing. While strolling down my Hive account today I noticed I have been missing out on this particular new game HOLOZING. Mehn, I get addicted to certain games most times depending on how good it is.


I have been checking up on this game lately and I get stuck and fascinated while trying to understand or navigate my way around this game. However, with careful research, studying lots of articles, and also signing up, I have been able to gain useful information on how the game works.

If you are a newbie just like me then this article is basically for you, so grab your seat and enjoy this ride. For most of us already obsessed with games like Pokemon, HOLOZING is definitely for you.

Holozing is all about catching, training, and battling monsters. Of course, the game is built and operated on the Hive blockchain. Just another unique play2earn game like Splinterlands but quite new and fresh. Not just about playing for fun but also playing to earn, yeah you heard that right.

As long as you play the game, you get to earn Zing Tokens which can be staked to earn more ZIng.

This blockchain game is decentralized, supported by Hive blockchain, and every single Zing you earn is yours.

Here are the unique ways you could earn your Zing in this game:

  • you could earn more tokens by staking Zing.

  • You could also earn by delegating HP to @Zingtoken

  • You could also earn by participating in the liquidity pool.

  • And the most interesting one; since Holozing is affiliated with POSH, you can earn Zing by the number of posh tokens in your Hive engine wallet.


What can I use my Zing token to do?

Well, there is a marketplace in which items needed for your survival in the game are being sold. Items like healing mana, ability points, and all other essentials for your gaming adventure.

Thanks to @acidyo and his crew, blockchain gaming just got leveled up and premium fun was unleashed.
I got my game for 2024 quite early and I'm so excited as a new to join the train.