Holozing - A Full Web3 Game with True Ownership, Fun and Wealth

in Holozing Community6 months ago (edited)

Holozing Game

Hive blockchain has never been short of creativity. Every user has the opportunity to collaborate with other users to create a blockchain and cryptocurrency use case to solve one or many problems of humanity. Holozing is the latest gaming creation on Hive blockchain that seeks to afford users access to fun, cognitive activity, and crypto earnings. HoloZing is designed to be a Web3 enabled monster-catching, training, and battling game, that draws strong inspiration from classics like Pokémon and World of Warcraft.

The game already records 1100+ players, 10,000+ daily transactions, with several reward pools. The big win is that Holozing is built on a decentralized blockchain that guarantees true ownership of accounts, items, achievements, collection, and assets that would be generated or accrued in the course of participating in the game. The game also allows for free trading of assets among players and in the open market.

Multiple Earning Pools

Earning from fun has been one of the most amazing use cases in the web3 world. Thanks to blockchain technology that makes this happen. Holozing game does not only offer players a spree of fun, but they also earn cryptocurrencies from active and passive engagement. So far, while the gameplay is still on build, there are Four (4) ways a player can interact with the game as a contributor and earn $ZING token. They are:

  • Buy and Staked $ZING (presently 100% APY)
  • Delegating Hive Power (HP) to @Zingtoken (presently 68% APY)
  • Providing liquidity for ZING/SWAP.HIVE pool (presently 465% APY)
  • Hodling $POSH (presently 271% APY)

Notwithstanding the APYs attached to each of the earning pools, earning ZING in any way at the moment could be a great decision. Serving as an additional use case for holding POSH which was earned for marketing Hive in web2 platforms is a huge reward.

Being among Top 200 Holozing Contributors

My preferred option of contributing to the build of the Holozing game was by delegating HP. With about 1250 HP delegated over 3 weeks, I have earned about 2,800 ZING token and more. That places me among the top 200 Holozing Contributors. According to the latest Holozing report, HP delegated has helped the game generate around 12k HIVE.

While we anticipate the launch of Holozing packs soon, I'll keep accumulating ZING token. I'll definitely get some Holozing packs at launch to help raise funds for the game's development while also hoping to participate actively in the gameplay.

With the price of ZING token. at $0.011, I earn about $1 daily from Holozing. Gathering this much valued token for a game still in development is great. The future of Holozing looks very promising and will hopefully bring more players and by extension, investors outside of Hive into the game's ecosystem and that would place some more demands on the game's asset - $ZING.

My ZING accumulation goal is 10,000 before the year ends. That would be some great foundation for my gaming journey with Holozing.

With the involvement of a longtime Hive user and value contributor - @acidyo (Acid), popular for growing and running the OCD (Original Content Decentralized) and POSH (Proof Of Sharing) projects on Hive, Holozing promises to be one of the best gaming outings in the Hive ecosystem and web3 world at large. He's been a game lover and has helped to bring several gaming communities to the Hive blockchain. Acid believes in sustainability and here, again designs Holozing with amazing sustainable tokenomics. To know more about Holozing, hit the following links:

All images are taken from https://holozing.com website and Community on Hive

Let's Connect

Hive: https://inleo.io/profile/uyobong/blog

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Uyobong3

Discord: uyobong#5966

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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