Nobody tells me no

in Holos&Lotus2 months ago

Cover made in Canva with free resources from the app, a photograph of my face in PNG and the phrase that says "Don't let anyone tell you no"

Hello, dear hiver!❤️

Today I received an audio from a university classmate. We are studying Project, and it is not being easy. Of course, it is a subject of great study, and I like it, to a certain extent.

However, it is becoming a bit difficult for us. We have little guidance, and the uncertainty of knowing whether we will pass or not.

But, no one says no to me.

This can be misinterpreted as "a person who does not take no for an answer", I do it when the occasion warrants it, but if it is not necessary, I don't see why I should do it.

For me, things in life are simple. You watch a course, you study, you learn and you pass. I don't see why it should be any different. Although this semester I have encountered similar situations twice.

Sometimes things don't go the way you want, but there is always a good option to make them even better. (Own photography)

One, in the first history class, the teacher told us that no one approves the maps and papers. And I decided to give my best effort, I carry sheets with the most beautiful designs I can, different. While with papers, I read all the information to do good analysis, sometimes it takes me about two days to do it.

And the second, with a project. They don't tell us directly, but we feel it latent. Some people are afraid of not passing, but something different happens to me. It is a challenge, as if playing cards, with chance and probability ahead.

I don't usually play cards, and curiously, I don't know how to play them well. But I like to use this example a lot, it's pretty similar to what happens.

Project is now a great challenge, added to history. My entire degree was crossed out with a big X. I didn't understand why, there was no time for reasons in class. So now I have a small stack of books on research methodology. I have gotten good marks from each of them, and I think I am on the right track.

Of course, I've changed the subject. Part of me wanted to continue with the previous topic, however, I have a feeling it won't be approved. At least, not this semester.

The 3 books that I am using to study in the project course are by Carlos Sabino, Fidias Arias and Mirian Acuña. Photograph taken by me at my desk where I work and study.

I want to pass, it's important to me. If I don't, then I will have lost a semester, and right at this point in my life, time is money. I must finish the race in a set time to be able to meet some personal goals. As well as having more time available for my work.

Maybe I push myself too hard? It is probable. I don't like things halfway, nor do I believe in perfection, because there is a point at which things are pretty good. But how can I settle? It would mean something complicated, when life shouldn't be like that. Resign and accept as my partner has been advised. Impossible! It is not an option.

I don't want to give up on a course that I know I can pass. We have studied a lot for this, we are prepared. And I know we can do it.

I'm trying to motivate my teammates, and do what I can. He trusted in everyone's ability, that we can achieve it.

Accepting no as an answer is not an option as there is a range of possibilities in the student world. We can study more, search for information in books and the Internet, seek advice from a teacher...

Wish me the best of luck in this process.


Text and images of my authorship. Cover made in Canva.

Hello, I'm Zul! I am an administrator, and I am dedicated to independent work, I also create online content. I love photography, writing, visiting places, nature, and making some thoughtful posts. In advance, thanks for reading.❤️❤️


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