Pensarte no es tenerte / To think of you is not to have you

in Writing Club13 days ago

En el lienzo de mi mente te dibujo, con trazos de nostalgia y anhelo,
tu imagen se perfila, nítida y viva, pero al extender la mano, solo encuentro el vacío, y mis suspiros, mal amigo, te retratan aún presente.

Pensarte es conjurar un fantasma, una sombra que danza en la memoria,
un susurro que se lleva el viento, una melodía que se apaga en la distancia.

En mi ayer estás presente, en el hoy no es así, por eso mi mañana será navegar por mares de incertidumbre, buscando un faro en la oscuridad, anhelando un oasis en el desierto, una señal de vida en la desolación.

Te escribo y es como abrazar el aire, intentando atrapar una melodía, un sueño fugaz que persigo, que se desvanece al alba.

Pensarte, no es tenerte, lo sé, y sin embargo, no puedo evitar que mi mente te busque, que mi corazón te añore, que mi alma te recuerde, porque eres la musa de mis versos, la diosa que alimenta mis letras, la llama que arde en mi interior y sostiene el latido de mi existencia.

Y aunque sé que eres inalcanzable, que solo puedo tenerte en mis pensamientos,
eso no significa que no te atesore en lo más profundo de mi ser.

Porque pensarte, aun sabiendo que no es tenerte, es mantenerte viva en mi corazón, es hacerte parte de mi esencia, es asegurarme que, como dijo el poeta, "no teniéndote aún te tengo".

To think of you is not to have you

On the canvas of my mind I draw you, with strokes of nostalgia and longing,
your image is outlined, clear and alive, but when I extend my hand, I only find emptiness, and my sighs, bad friend, portray you still present.

To think of you is to conjure up a ghost, a shadow that dances in memory,
a whisper carried by the wind, a melody that fades in the distance.

In my yesterday you are present, in today it is not so, that is why my tomorrow will be to sail through seas of uncertainty, looking for a lighthouse in the darkness, longing for an oasis in the desert, a sign of life in the desolation.

I write to you and it is like embracing the air, trying to catch a melody, a fleeting dream that I pursue, that fades at dawn.

To think of you, is not to have you, I know, and yet, I cannot prevent my mind from searching for you, my heart from longing for you, my soul from remembering you, because you are the muse of my verses, the goddess that feeds my lyrics, the flame that burns inside me and sustains the heartbeat of my existence.

And although I know that you are unreachable, that I can only have you in my thoughts,
that doesn't mean that I don't treasure you in the deepest part of my being.

Because thinking about you, even knowing that it is not having you, is keeping you alive in my heart, it is making you part of my essence, it is assuring me that, as the poet said, “not having you I still have you”.


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