Princess Kika

in Writing Club10 months ago

Dika is captivated by a beautiful young lady who just walked into the coffee. He wonders "she must be a princess". He says to himself " I must go and get her contact".



"Hello beautiful lady, I'm Dika. So what's your name Princess?" Dika asked the beautiful lady. "Wow how did you know that I am a princess?" The young lady asked Dika. Full of pride Dika replies her "your beauty is out of this world and only a princess can be blessed with such beauty". The lady smile "I'm Kika, I see you are good with your words". "Well a beautiful lady like you can inspire any man to become a poet" Dika said with a wide smile on his face. At that moment he felt he had finally stroke gold. "Here is my contact, I would love us to have dinner this weekend" Kika said. Dika was joyous because he didn't have to ask her for her contact but he got it on a platter of gold. " I will give you a call" he said, smiling as he walks back to his table.

Dika and Kika are strolling down the park and the moon is bright and the night sky is filled with stars. Dika points to a star in the sky and says "Kika look at the brightest star in the sky, that is you". Kika with a broad smile responds "You must be from the lineage of Shakespeare" the both laughed and held hands as the walked back home.

Kika looks at Dika and had a sense of pity for him. "You never asked which kingdom I come from?" Kika asked Dika. "It does matter my love" Dika replied. "My father expects me to get married before I turn 25 or I will be thrown out of our kingdom" Kika said. With anger is his voice Dika shouts "No one can do that to you my beautiful princess, I'm going to marry you". "Are you serious, thank you" Kika says with excitement as she plants a kiss on Dika's lips. "When are you turning 25?" Dika asked Kika. "In two days time" she replied him. "No problem then let's go and meet your family tomorrow morning then we can get married in the evening" Dika said with a smile.

Dika enters the boat and kept wondering why the had to cross the river before getting to meet with Kika's family. As the got to the middle of the sea a whirlwind raises and their boat capsizes. Dika opens his eyes and the Crystals, Diamonds, Gold and Silver glitters and he covers his eyes with is palm. "Kika what's this place?" Dika screams. "This is my kingdom" Kika replies. Dika is frightened by creatures, some have horns, three eyes, eight hands , three legs and others look like jelly fish. "Let me go!!!!" He screams. A tall man with three legs laughs saying " you promised to marry our princess so that is what we are here today.

Dika tries to run and Kika pursues him screaming "my love don't leave me, I will give you the whole kingdom and you would become the richest man in the world and I will bestow you with powers that all mortals will be afraid of you".

Dika lifts his head and turns on the lamp by his bed and looks at the lady sleeping by his side. He rolls her over and she smiles at him saying "Dika welcome to my kingdom" Dika jumps off the bed and scrambles to get to the door.