Using Double Strike Effectively - Social Media Challenge

in Splinterlands2 months ago


Welcome to another edition of my Splinterlands Social Media Challenge. This edition is about one of my victories using a card with "Double Strike". Double Strike is now one of my favorites when it comes to choosing cards for battles because they effectively deal twice as much damage in just a single round. Imagine if you have a card with three damage with a double strike, that is a whopping six damage in just one round.

The card that I am using with a double strike is Nimbledook Ranger. Aside from having a Double Strike skill, Nimbledook Ranger also has the "Snipe" capability. Snipe enables Nimbledook Ranger to engage ranged, magic, and no-attack units not in first position with ranged and magic attacks. To effectively use Nimbledook Ranger, I always put him far behind the team (usually second to the last, or dead last).

Check out the video recording below featuring my victory.

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Summoner that I used - Prophet Rosa

I used Prophet Rosa because it gives a +2 attack to Nimbledook Ranger. Nimbledook Ranger has 1 attack plus the 2 attack buffs from Prophet Rosa it becomes 3. Now, combine that with the Double Strike ability, Nimbledook is able to inflict 6 damage to an opponent in a single round. That 6 damage usually kills an opponent in a single round at Bronze II League.

Position one unit I used - Sea Dog of Eight

I used Sea Dog of Eight because it is a tanky unit that helps prolong the life of the units behind him. Not only that, it also has a corrosive ward skill which reduces the armor of enemy units in every attack.

Position two unit that I used - Djinn Oshannus

The same reason that I used Sea Dog of Eight, Djinn Oshannus is a tanky magic unit that can prolong the life of all the units behind him. Not only that, he can attack from any position and he can reduce the magic attack inflicted on him by 50%.

Position three unit that I used - Deep Lurker

Again, the same reason to position one and position two units. I used Deep Lurker Because of its high health and high attack melee unit. Not only that, Deep Lurker has the Opportunity skill which enables it to attack in any position from the team. I used Deep Lurker in position three to protect the Nimbledook Ranger (the same reason why I used the first-position and second-position units).

Position four unit that I used - Mar Toren Seeker

I used Mar Torek Seeker to help Nimbledook Ranger kill enemy units because they both have the Snipe ability. Snipe enables Nimbledook Ranger and Mar Toren Seeker to target the same enemy units in each round. Both of them targeting the same enemy unit means one dead enemy in each round.

Position five unit that I used - Nimbledook Ranger

And the star of this blog is Nimbleddok Ranger. Nimbledook Ranger is a deadly ranged unit because of its Double Strike and Snipe ability. Now, combine that with Prophet Rosa's +2 ranged buff, Nimbledook Ranger can kill an enemy in each and every round.

Position six unit that I used - Sultry Barmaid

I used Sulty Barmaid on this team because it gets to act before the battle begins. If you get lucky this unit may attack the unit that Nimbledook is going to attack. But I should have put this unit in front of Nimbledook Ranger and Mar Torek Seeker, nevertheless, I still got the victory on this team composition.

That is all for now guys, catch you up with the next one. Wishing you all safety, good health, and abundance.

Thank you very much to all of the Hive Ecosystem Curation Teams/Individuals, I am very grateful for the upvotes/curation/support. God bless you all!

I am a Computer Engineer, blogger, farmer, gardener, father, and husband. I love countryside living, nature, and farming (rice/vegetables), and I have two decades of experience as an I.T. professional


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