Let's Just Focus on AGOR LONGTAIL

in Splinterlandslast year


Hello Guys!

Yeeey I'm back again with Splinterlands post, after My post CONSCRIPT Makes Many Players Stupid following the social media challenge, now I am participating in Splinterlands Share Your Battle Weekly challenge. The theme for this week is Dragon, and I chose AGOR LONGTAIL as the main topic in this discussion. Well, Monster Dragon can't be used without Summoner Dragon, so Agor Longtail will be combined with Quix The Devious and another Dragon monster, Oshuur Constantia.

Well, I'm neither a proplayer nor a tournament hero. I just enjoys sharing strategy and battles that I find interesting in my own view. I played on modern battles on Gold leagues, and maybe the battle strategies I'd share weren't suitable to apply in other leagues because the differences in ability that open up are different from each league. Ok Guys, before heading to the battle arena, let's get acquainted first with Agor Longtail.




Agor Longtail is one of Dragon monster Riftwatchers edition with mana capacity 15. This monster is very suitable as a tank because it has taunt ability with high healt points and armor. Agor Longtail has two types of attacks, that is magic and melee. it's good enough to put this monster as a tank in the frontmost position as well as in the rear position. at level 1 and 2 these monsters already have abilities Flying, Taunt, and Void armor, and at level 3 Ability Heal will be active.

I think mana 15 corresponds to the stats and abilities of this monster, but it is clear that this monster is only suitable for high mana battle. Although it is very powerful, but if you insist on using this monster for low mana and middle mana battle, the chances that you will win will drop. This is because you won't have enough other monster attackers because the capacity is full from where Agor Longtail is. I'm more comfortable using this monster for battles in the Gold-Diamond league, because indeed in this league there are many high mana battles and also the abilities of Agor Longtail and other supporting monsters are already active, so the defense with Agor Longtail will be difficult to break through.




This is a battle with normal rulesets, with a capacity of 48 and only the Death element is inactive. Since this is a middle high mana battle, and almost all elements are active and there are no special rulesets, of course, there are many possible strategies used by the opponent. Therefore, I will use Agor longtail in the first position as a tank as well as an attacker, supported by Thank Heal monster, Repair monster, and Resurrect monster. The goal is that Agor Longtail's defense cannot be penetrated by the opponent, and if Agor Lontail dies, it will Resurrect and then be given support so that it can recover as before.

The complete line-up and strategy of each monster I chose will be described in the table below:

photo_2023-02-27_14-15-03 (2).jpgQuix The DeviousSummoner-1 Range, -1 SpeedLegendary Summoner which reduces all opponents' speed and reduces attack range. This will increase the chances of winning because in the game who attacks first will have a higher chance of winning.
photo_2023-02-27_14-15-12.jpgAgor LongtailTankFlying, Taunt, Void Armor, HealA very mighty tank because it has a good stat, and also has Heal ability. In addition, it is also a monster Taunt, so the opponent's attack will only focus on this monster. There is no need to worry about Magic attacks either, because this monster also has Void Armor. This monster also has the ability to dodge melee and range attacks because it has Flying abilities.
photo_2023-02-27_14-15-11.jpgOshuur ConstantiaAttcaker, SupportResurrect, Reflection ShieldSecond place, right behind the monster Taunt I chose Oshuur Constantia because it has the ability Reflection Shield, so if the opponent uses Blast the monster eats the blast it will not hurt this monster because of the Reflection Shield. In addition, this monster also has Resurrect, so if Agor Longtail dies for the first time, then it will be resurrected by Oshuur Constantia.
photo_2023-02-27_14-15-10.jpgDjinn RenovaAttacker, SupportStrengthen, TriageDjinn Renova has 3 damage magic attacks, as an attacker. In addition, it also has a Strengthen ability that increases the HP of all monster friends. The triage ability that is possessed will restore the HP of other monsters that are not in the first position. Even though there is already a Taunt monster, this ability is still useful in anticipation if the opponent uses a monster Scattershot, because Scattershot is not tied to the monster Taunt.
photo_2023-02-27_14-15-09.jpgAdelade BrightwingAttacker, SupportFlying, Repair, ResurrectAdelade Brightwing is the most important monster support in defense, because it has the ability Repair and Resurrect. Repair will restore the Armor from Agor Longtail, and the Resurrect will resurrect Agor Longtail if this monster dies for the second time. This is the second Resurrect in my formation, which is expected to keep Agor Longtail from dying.
photo_2023-02-27_14-15-08.jpgDoctor BlightAttackerAffliction, Camouflage, Poison, ScavengerDoctor Blight is the strongest low monster because of his abilities. Affliction will make the target affected by the Affliction unable to heal, the Camouflage ability that requires this monster can only be attacked if it is in the first position, the Poison ability which if it hits the target then the target will lose 2 HP in each round, and also the Scavenegr ability which makes this monster's HP will increase if there are other monsters that die
photo_2023-02-27_14-15-06.jpgVenari CrystalsmithAttacker, SupportThank HealEven though Agor Longtail has Heal ability, but the support Thank Heal ability of this monster will be very useful, so Agor Longtail's HP will restore 2x in 1 round. In addition, this monster has a fairly high speed, so it can also act as an attacker.

You can see the line-ups of the two teams in the picture below. The opponent uses the Life element deck with Summoner Grandmaster Rathe with a level 3 Uriel The Purifier Tank that has the ability to Fly, Recharge, and Heal. This is also a very powerful Tank, especially if it is combo with Grandmaster Rathe who has Void Armor, so Magic's attack cannot penetrate the Ramor of this monster either. In second place there is Djinn Renova, third place is Adelade Brightwing, fourth position is Spirit Hoarder, fifth position is Loan Boatman who has Repair ability as support besides Adelade Brightwing, and the last position is Silvershield Sheriff who has 4 Range attacks with Piercing ability and also has the ability Protect ability.


If you look at the formation above, the opponent also uses a defensive formation. Defense that is difficult to break through because it has a powerful Tank, with 2 Repair monsters, as well as all enemy monsters getting +2 from protect ability. Wow, this will definitely be a very exciting battle, right? Because all teams both have very strong defenses.



photo_2023-02-27_14-15-03 (3).jpg

(Click the image above to direct to the battle link)

I have uploaded the video of this battle to my channel, so to see the course of this battle you can also directly click the youtube video below.

This battle is quite interesting, because both teams have equally strong defenses and both have Heal abilities that make it quite difficult to kill. It went long enough to determine the winner, because the strategies of the two teams were almost the same. Both of them have Resurrect monsters, and also have repair monster support. Although I won this match in the end, but the victory was not obtained easily.


As usual, after the battle started, the first thing that happened was the party buffs and debuffs of all Summoners and monsters. Venari Crystalsmith is the first monster to get a chance to attack because it has the highest speed. Because both Tanks have Flying ability, so there are some missed attacks, and because both teams are equally strong as the first round ends both teams mash with a complete formation with both Tanks still both with good performance.

round 2.png

The epic moment occurred in the second round, where Uriel The Purifier's attack after Recharge hit Agor Longtail which made this monster 12 HP. Agor Longtail died first due to the attack of Djinn Renova, and Resurrect by OshuurConstantia. The second round ended after Agor Longtail got a Repair from Adelade Brightwing. Now Agor has 1 HP and 6 Armor.


The beginning of the third round started with HAgor who restored 4 HP because he got a Thank Heal from Venai Crystalsmith. Uriel The Purifier died from an attack by My Djinn Renova, and Resurrect by Adelade Brightwing. Luckily in this round Doctor Blight's Affliction hit Uriel The Purifier right, so Uriel wasn't solid Heal anymore, could only receive 2x Repairs from Adelade Brightwing and Loan Boatman.


Finally, Uriel The Purifier died in the fourth round. That way I think the match will be easier, because the tanks that make it difficult are gone. Now Djinn Renova is in first place.


Djinn Renova died in the fifth round. Even though I got 2x Repair, Djinn Renova still can't withstand the attacks of all my monsters. Now there are only 4 opposing monsters left.


In the sixth round, 2 other monsters followed to die, namely Adelade brightwing who died from Agor Longtail's attack and Spirit Hoarder who died from Adelade Brightwing's attack at the end of the sixth round.



The eighth round became the last round. I won after all the monsterlawan died. My Formation Is still complete, with the HP of all monsters intact, even Doctor Blight now has 13 HP. You can see the end of this battle from the picture below.




The strategy I implemented worked very effectively, even until this battle ended my monster formation was still complete. Agor Longtail only died 1x in this battle, so if you only use 1 monster, even a strategy like this can still work well.

Although Agor Longtail is very strong, if used in improper battles, it will also be useless. In fact, a few times I've seen people make fun of Agor Lomgtail. I think all monsters have their own advantages, so we can't fatanik with only 1 monster. Must carefully read the situation and conditions, and strategize in such a way as to achieve victory.

From this battle I did, it can be concluded that:

  • Agor Longtail is a mighty Monster, who has very good stats as a tank, both in front and rear positions.
  • Agor Longtail has a large mana so it is only suitable for use for battle high mana.
  • Agor Longtail is a monster Taunt, so never use this monster when there are Rulesets all monsters have Fury's ability.
  • Although this monster is very strong, it would be great if a group of monsters provides support for this monster, namely monsters with Thank Heal, Resurrect, and Repair.


Ok guys, I think my post is enough here, thank you for visiting my blog, don't forget to upvote and leave a comment. If you want to start playing Splinterlands and don't have an account yet, don't hesitate to use my referral:

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The best card from RW.
I !love it

Thanks for sharing! - @mango-juice

amazing bttle and post