The Battle of Legendary Gladius, FINA VOXOM VS LARISSA KERATO

in Splinterlandslast year


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Yeeeey I'm back again with my Splinterlands post. It's been 3 weeks since my last post, and I can only return now that the busy Eid al-Fitr is over. Did you miss my post, Guys?

A while ago I opened the Gladius pack, I got the Legedary Gladius from the Dragon element, Larissa Kerato. I was so happy and finally got to use it on the last brawl. Interestingly, the opponent of this battle also uses the Legendary Gladius, Fina Voxom. It's been an interesting duel, so I'll share this battle with you. Ok guys. Are you curious? But before heading to the battlefield arena, let's first analyze these two Legendary Gladius.



Short Lore

Larissa is not what anyone would expect as a Gloridax champion Gladiator, but she was enrolled by the Dragons nonetheless. She is one of the only remaining members of a proud waning race known as the chamen, whose story is tragic at its worst and brilliantly heroic at its best. The legend says that the last battalion of chamen warriors faced off against an indestructible enemy, the loathsome Titan of Doom. Knowing they would be destroyed, the brave mages and soldiers of the chamen rode off to intercept their enemy as it bore down on the innocent city of Athua that they had called home for many generations. The battle raged for three days, and every last chamen warrior was destroyed, but the Titan was far from unscathed. Its injuries were enough to cause it to retreat into the storm cloud from whence it came without inflicting any harm on the city of Athua, whose residents heard nothing of the chamen’s deeds.

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Legendary Gladius from the Dragon element, Larissa Kerato has magic damage and since level 1 besides having the ability Bloodlust also has the Double Strike ability. If we look at the stat in the image above, the ability will be added at each level increase. Although this Gladius looks OP, I think this monster also has some weaknesses.


  • Since level 1, even though Bloodlust has not been active, it already has a large damage, which is a total of 4 magic damage (2 magic damage with Double Strike).

  • Unstoppable attacker, If Bloodlust is active, it will be very difficult to resist the attack from this monster.


  • The initial health is only 3, which is quite small for a monster with 7 mana.
  • An easy target for Opportunity monsters because they have small HP.
  • The possibility of this monster coming before Bloodlust is active is quite high, so a proper strategy is needed to use this monster.



Fina Voxom Lore

Fina has struggled and fought her way up from the most despised social class in all the Burning Lands, the Ruddy. This forbidden hybrid race that came from crossing cinder elves with pureblood Efreet generally keeps to themselves in their highland Molten Mountain hideaways. Very few of them (only the bravest) have ever tried to make a living in the broader Burning Lands, and even fewer have held aspirations to battle in the Moxian tournaments. Fina has proven herself against anyone who has ever challenged her. She does not use magic, but she is a wizard with the siow that she carries everywhere with her. The siow is an incredibly long, thin blade whose mastery can take years. An effective siow warrior can engage ten men at once in combat; Fina can handle more than twenty. She will now prove her worth and the worth of her clan to everyone at Mount Mox by battling as a professional Gladiator.

Fina Stats.png

Fina Voxom is a Legendary Fire element Gladius. With a cap of 5, at level 1 Fina Voxom has 3 Melee attacks, speed 4, 7 Health, and ability Opportunity. The increase in Fina Voxom level is also offset by the addition of Piercing ability at level 2, Stun at level 3 and Redemption at max level. Obviously, the stats that make Fina Voxom the dream of many players. Especially when combined with Summoners from Fire who have melee attack enhancement buffs such as Marlic Inferno or Tarsa, it certainly makes Fina's damage even greater. When combined with Conqueror Jacek who has a +2 speed buff and Piercing, of course Fina Voxom becomes very dangerous.


  • It has a very nice stat, with mana 5 already has a very high speed, large damage and large HP as well as abilities that are easily combined with other Fire monsters.


  • Not suitable for Reverse Speed rulesets.



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The rulesets in this battle are:

  • Holy Protection (All Monsters have the Devine Shield ability)
  • Aim True (Attacks always hit their target)
  • Armored Up (All Monsters have 2 Armor in addition to their normal Armor stat)
  • Mana Capacity 21
  • Active Element Fire, Dragon.
  • Fray Limit Silver League Untimed Chaos set

In accordance with the rulesets above, where only Fire and Dragon elements are active, in order to use Larissa Kerato, I chose to use Summoner Dragon. The strategy for Holy Protection rulesets is to concentrate attacks on a single target, with this I choose to only use monsters that don't have Sneak or Snipe. Armored Up makes Melee and Range attacks not very effective, so Magic Monster would be the best choice. Well, the order of each monster and the strategy I applied I will explain in the table below.

photo_2023-04-29_11-22-00.jpgDrake of ArnakSummoner+1 ArmorI only have this Summoner silver league match, this is because the rental price of this Summoner is the cheapest. That's right, this isn't a problem because the most important thing is that the Summoner is able to summon monsters at the desired level.
photo_2023-04-29_11-21-59 (4).jpgVoid DragonFirstFlying, VoidEven though I don't have a large daage, I chose to use the Void Dragon as a tank because it has a Flying ability that will increase the possibility of dodging, especially since this monster also has great speed. The focus of this monster is to protect the monster behind it, not as an attacker.
photo_2023-04-29_11-21-59 (3).jpgChaos AgentSecondDodgeChaos Agent as a filler of mana left, or as a complement. Because of the Holy Protection Ruleset, it is clear that one monster even if it only has a small HP and does not have damage will still hold at least 2 opponents.
photo_2023-04-29_11-21-59 (2).jpgDoctor BlightThirdAffliction, Camouflage, PoisonEven though Doctor Blight only has 1 magic damage, I chose this monster as an attacker because it has Affliction ability and Poison ability. Poison that actively hits the target will reduce 2 HP in each Round, and this is equal to 3 damage in each round.
photo_2023-04-29_11-21-59.jpgLarissa KeratoLastDouble Strike, BloodlustLarissa Kerato as the main attacker in this battle. I put it in the last position with the aim that this monster does not die because of the Opportunity monster and can become the last dead monster. Although it does not rule out the possibility of getting attacks from Sneak monsters, at least this monster will not die with just one attack because of the Devine Shield and also the addition of Armor from Rulesets and Summoner buffs.

Opponents use Summoner Quix The Devious with 5 Fire monsters and 1 Neutral Monster. Even though this is a middle mana battle, the opponent was able to fill all six slots with monsters, while I only filled 4 slots. When viewed from the existing rulesets, it can be seen that the opponent's strategy is more organized and has a higher chance of winning. Moreover, the opponent also has Fina Voxom.
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Are you curious about how this battle went? Ok, let's head straight to Battlefield Arena!



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I have uploaded the video of this battle to my channel, so to see the course of this battle you can also directly click the youtube video below.

As usual, this battle begins with buffs and debuff parties from all Summoners and Monsters. On average, my monsters have a lower speed than the opposing monsters, but the Void Armor is still the first monster to get a chance to attack.

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Although in this first round no monsters died, the Devine Shield from Chaos Agent and Larissa Kerato was gone. I was very lucky that the opponent's attack didn't focus on one point like I applied, so even though my monsters were outnumbered, they didn't die immediately in one round.


The second round begins with Venari Heatsmith being poisoned by Doctor Blight. Luckily because in the first round Doctor Blight's poison was immediately activated even in just one attack. Finally, Bloodlust Larissa Kerato was active at the end of the round after the second attack from Double Strike killed Venari Heatsmith.

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Bloodlust Fina Voxom is active after Chaos Agent dies. I was quite panicked when Larissa Kerato's armor was damaged, but it turned out that at the end of the third round Larissa Kerato's Bloodlust was also active again. Now Larissa Kerato has 4 magic damage with Double Strike, which means that in one attack the target must withstand 8 magic attack damage.

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The fourth round begins with the Flame Monkey dying from poison. Another epic moment occurred when Larissa Kerato's Bloodlust was active again. Wow, now Larissa Kerato has 5 Magic attack damage with Double Strike. It would be very difficult to stop this monster. The Unstopable Larissa Kerato has already begun!

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At the beginning of the fifth round, Fina Voxom's Bloodlust was immediately activated because he killed the Void Dragon. But not long after that Fina Voxom immediately died due to an attack from Larissa Kerato. Again Bloodlust Larissa is back active. At the end of the fifth round, only Scorch Fiend was left who had lost the Devine Shield.


Sure enough, in this last round, Scorch Fiend immediately died in just one attack from Larissa Kerato. I won in 6 rounds with 2 remaining monsters with Larissa Kerato who managed to be the main star in this battle.




The victory I got in this battle cannot be separated from the influence of rulesets that greatly benefit me to use Larissa Kerato. Larissa Kerato's Double Strike ability is very useful in Holy Protection rulesets, and Magic damage is very useful in Armored up rulesets, because Magic damage will directly hit the target's HP without damaging the Armor first.

This final result might be different if in normal rulesets, because in terms of strategy I admit that the opponent is more steady. Unfortunately, the target attack of the opponent's monster is not focused, so it can't kill 1 monster in 1 round. If Uraeus were replaced with an Opportunity monster, Serpentine Spy might be more effective.

What do you think, man? Do you like this battle? I hope you are not disappointed with what I share.

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