Land Management

in Splinterlands5 months ago

Land Management

It is time that I write an update for myself for my Land Management status at Splinterlands. Land was launched in-game on Nov 28, 2023. I wrote my first status update on this post, where I was at 8% utilization on Dec 01, 2023 after just a couple of days of usage. It's been about a month since then, and I think I have reach a saturation status point for my personal land position. I have put cards on all my Occupied and Magical plots now, and I have enough Natural (grain) plots activitated to feed the worker to make it slightly grain positive.


Source: Created using AI images with DALL·E 3: Prompt: Land Management in Gaming; Content credentials; Generated with AI ∙ January 4, 2024 at 10:12 AM

So, here is the current status update. I have 334 plots activated and farming out of 1115 plots that I have across three regions. That is about 30% utilization.


My personal land utilization is fairly near to overall land utilization estimate that I got from the image below. This is the only overall estimate I saw and it is a bit dated, so please provide an update anyone! However, as per this image, 45,199 plots out of 150,000 total plots are being worked on. So that is also about 30% utilization.


Source: An image posted by tehox at Mav-Chat

For the record, I am happy to be an average user. In fact, for the last few weeks over the holidays I was working hard so that I can at least be an average user!

Earnings from Land

Since Land is purely a farming game it is all about ROI. I am a bit fuzzy how much I invested in the land part of the game, but ROI will be hard for me to calculate. However, I can at least see the current dairly earning from land.

Region 10



Region 9



Region 47



As you all know that Land Plots generates 3 different products as of now. Grain, Research Points, and SPS. Of the three only SPS have any measurable value. I know you can argue that currently there is a p2p market for grain, however, prices of grain there are pennys of the dollar, so I am going to ignore that. To me grain is just a fuel to power my plots and I like generate just about enough to power all my plots and maybe run just a bit of surplus for future purposes if I power additional plots for other unique resources that is potentially coming in Land 2.0.

Research Points are unknown, but not transferrable. So I have turned on all my Magical Plots, at least they are producing something (which I am told will not be easy to produce in future, not sure if I believe that 100%). But there you have it.


There you have it. About 1000 SPS. I know the number is slightly higher, but that is due to a few castles with low production that I haven't claimed everyday, and it is showing a bit of accumulation. So it all boils down to $34/day right now. If I just look at DEC staked to get this, it is nearly 16M DEC. Assuming DEC at peg, it is $16K. As per PKM simple filter on my staked card on land, I have about $70K worth of cards staked on land, as per present value. I am sure I have paid more for these cards, but there is no way for me to calculate how much I paid for it.


I bought my land in the pre-sale, and I am glad I wrote this post, written in Dec 08, 2020. Looks like I only paid $2250 for my Region! Even recently I thought I paid about $7500 for my region, I guess that is wrong :)

Personally speaking, I bought 7.5M DEC to pay for the Stage 1 pre-sale, all from the open market, at an average price of below $0.30 for 1000 DEC (about $2250 for 7.5M DEC). So at the time of actual sale of land, I expect to 6.6X my investment or more. Also I am planning to buy more land and more DEC and the price continue to remain inexpensive.

I guess I didn't buy too much more land! Mistake! But at least I have some that I bought at dirt cheap price that can nearly be written off. Looks like I have paid less then $3000 for all my 1115 plots. I am going to assume $3k as the total coast. It is the least amount of investment compared to other 2 times required. Cards and DEC. Well then there was 10K DEC/plot during pre-purchase to get BIB+TC+unstable Totem; that was 33M DEC, so $25K at the time I think.

Land InputITEMUSD ($)
2DEC Staked on plots16,000
3Items during survey25,000
4Cost of Plots during pre-sale 20203,000

That is approximate, but close enough. This is getting me $34/day. 12410/year, for you APR lads, 10% :)

Sorry lads, life is not Rainbows and Sunshine, and nothing goes to moon. Now at 10 cents SPS. It could be $100/day, that is 32%.

Folks: We really need to engage in propping the price of SPS, otherwise, none of these work!


The Splinterlands


Dang, I can't even imagine having that many lands. I have seven plots and it has been a nightmare getting them all sorted. I had to do the power down at least twice now to get things the way I want them. I am focusing mostly on grain since none of my plots are higher than common and none of them are magic. Maybe things will pick up as people get more interested in crypto again.

we are off the low but are extremely slow in getting the price appreciation we like to see for this project

I hear you. Rentals seem to have taken a nose dive too. I can barely scratch 200 DEC per day.

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That is approximate, but close enough. This is getting me $34/day. 12410/year, for you APR lads, 10% :)

This is very motivating for me. $34 daily, as passive earnings. That was my former salary LOL

well for $100K invested in S&P500 index mutual fund will give you that as well, without any of these mumbo-jumbo

by mumbo-jumbo you mean endless fun yes!?

absolutely endless fun!

never imagined that I will have this many cards!


Very nice breakdown of the total cost and I hope that daily income picks up a bit, because 10% APR feels pretty low.
I mean HBD savings generate 20% APR, a lot of Liquidity pools even more, and they need literally a couple of clicks to set up. Land took hours.
But Land is fun, right? 😎
I'm hoping Land 2.0 will turn things around. 🤞

it is very low for the risk and complexity

What a naughty boy, he caught my attention with that image, I thought the Lands were advanced to that point LOL.
Great post.

Not gonna lie I kind of what to play that AI generated game screenshot lol

I still think we are in the very early stages of land and things are really going to shake up and become a little more lucrative once buildings and other assets roll in. It's going to be a lot of plot change ups at that point to produce other items for buildings because if you don't have a building you're going to quickly start to see things like SPS and research fall by the way side. Right now it's a mad dash to get all plots of occupied up and running and research. But outside of that there's not much action.

I'm curious what we will see on Tuesday if anything for a land update. 1.6, 2.0 ?

not 2.0 for sure

breaking my heart! lol
At least a liquidity pool for wheat would be nice. But really land 2.0 needs to come soon otherwise there's going to be just massive amounts of gain all over the place that will need to be eaten through.

This is really nice
Do you mean that even though we don’t play the game, we can just buy land and invest in it so we could make profit? Is that what you mean?

$70K wow that is huge. You have invested so much in the game

I have invested upward of $600K in this game. $70K is just cards for land :)