
in Splinterlands5 months ago


Have you looked into the Land Leaderboard in Splinterlands? This is a new feature and I think it is brilliant. It helps you to understand how you are doing relative to others. This gamification is the simplest and time-tested motivation aspect of any game, and I think we should have more of this.


I have only recently started to look at it and I have improved my land game quite a bit. Although I had the DEC and the cards, I felt lazy throughout the early Christmas Break to populate my land. It is just tedious and busy work without much benefit, once you have set up your SPS mining and some of your Research plot. The lack of motivation is two fold:

  1. Most of the plots produces Grain, and there is no Grain Market. Yes, there is p2p, but lot of us are no comfortable using p2p markets

  2. Grain prices are very cheap. In p2p market Grain prices are 0.037 DEC.

I am terrible with zeros! So 1M Grain in-game should cost 1M DEC. However, in p2p market 1M Grain = 37,000 DEC. If my math is right, that is 97% discount! This is a classic example example of a token inflation. You generate a lot of it, but there is little or no use, so the price will obviously plummet.

Who's Who of Land

With no incentive to sell grain, the only incentive remains is to check how others are doing. Preatoria have 7 Territories.

  • Pristine Northwest (PNW)
  • Broken Lands (BL)
  • Land of Prosperity (LOP)
  • Central Fire (CF)
  • Wild Northeast (WNE)
  • Great Lowlands (GL)
  • Shimmering Coast (SC)

There are clear leadership in each of the territories now. Most the people have their assets turned on. There are active and inactive areas, but whatever people could have done based on their means have been done already as more than a month have passed since the launch.

Right now, in the Leaderboard Tab, there are only Grain and Research option that are active, SPS remains inactive. I do not know the reason for it, but it would be nice to have it soonish.

PNW is where I am. This territory's Grain collection is led by Redundancy4040, while Research is led by Druidsblood. I am at #3 and #5 respectively on the leaderboard. There are two ways of looking at it, by the total number and by per hour number. Current leaderboard is sorted by total number. It is interesting to see the re-adjustment. If someone lower down on Research have high per hour productivity then it is likely that they will climb towards the top of the ladder even if their current total production is lower. I have done that myself. I was listed much lower in late December on both grain and research leaderboard at my territory, but climbed up as I turned on more plots.

BL is dominated by Michealb and Cryptomancer, both large land and card holders. They are neck and neck in this territory.

LOP is dominated by Aggy's Spswhale account, who is miles ahead of anyone there.

CF belongs to Vugtis, who not only dominate Research here, but does so for the entire Preatoria! He is cutting down on grain though for obvious reason (everyone wants to sell Grain, there is no buyer). CF grain leaderboard is topped by Jesterago, with Vugtis a close second.

WNE belongs to Yabapmatt, who is heavy on research as we all know, its grain collection is led by Brybro27.

GL is led by Cryptoeater in the grain market, but surprisingly he is nowhere to be seen on Research Leaderboard, which is topped by Emakulator and followed by Blewitt. Fairly low productivity here overall, which could be both a good and a bad thing for the people doing Research here.

SC is a hodge-podge of a territory, with people's surplus stuff here mostly. Jaki01 leads the grain production, but Vugtis and Cryptoeater is here too. Research here is led by Hanv. No clear leadership here, who knows what will happen here in future.



The Splinterlands


WNE belongs to Yabapmatt, who is heavy on research as we all know

News to me! Unsurprising you say ;)

I get DEC via rentals and SPS for Battles/staking - Research could be the one to focus on with Land?

Get those cards out of rental. Put them on land for better potential returns. Research is the big unknown but very lucrative potentially. At least the largest investor in-game and the game maker himself both making a big bet on Research. Vugtis earns 4K plus/hr. Matt earns 1200 plus/hr, last I checked.

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It is so good to see your name on the leaderboard
Keep it up!

I will never be at the top of the leaderboard, but I think it is cool that they have added this metric. People like to compare themselves to others quite a bit these days.

Top of leaderboard is not touchable for me as well. As long as I am somewhere above average I am happy

That makes me feel a little better since you are miles ahead of me!

Helpful feature indeed.

Nice climb up the leaderboard. 👍

I still think the Land is too much work for such little gain. I mean the Grain prices are ridiculous, and I really hope it will find more use soon(TM). If it wasn't for the Peakmonsters and the great work their devs did, I would imagine a lot of ppl would give up on setting up land, especially you guys with whole regions or more..

I'm in GLL 119 Lonshire region, serving under our King Blewitt. All hail the King! 😄

Yeah all this need work

All this content just makes me want to buy Lands to take advantage of these features.
Great post.

Go ahead and do it then :)