Lobb - Quora Spam: NO MORE!

in Splinterlands4 months ago (edited)

Lobb - Quora Spam: NO MORE!

For the non-player, this is a very specific title! Meaning if you do not play splinterlands, it is very hard or impossible for you to understand. Even for people who play Splinterlands, but perhaps in the higher leagues, it may be a bit surprising. Let me explain:


Gladiator Earth Summoner Lobb Lowland and Epic Earth Gladiator Quora Towershead is considered widely as one of the most powerful combos, especially in the Bronze league, where it traditionally had almost no counters. Very similar to Llama - Kron combo, back in the days; remember?

Struggle of Bronze!

Novice is the first league new player start playing when they open Splinterlands account. There are a few SL sponsored 'easy bots' here and these new folks quickly get to Bronze. There is no rewards in novice and none in Bronze III either. But as soon a they arrive in Bronze, they potentially get into either seasoned players with skills or seasoned players with Battle Helpers (YES, I KNOW BATTLE HELPER IS BANNED AS PER TOS)! But we know people are breaking the TOS; and I know who you are, we are coming after you. But I digress, that is not the message of this post.

Point is, people found it very hard to get above Bronze III to get any reward at all, and got de-motivated. Many have mentioned this in the past, so I even created an alt account to test if the saying is true or not. The fact that I play champion league in Modern, I have never played Bronze to be honest. So I tried playing Bronze a number of times back in the day and even recently with this account DRAGONRIDER5479. Notice this even has number to mock numerous bot farms who are not created and just made numbered accounts. So back to the point, I tried but never could go above 250-280 level with free ghost cards and level all CL level 1 cards that I purchased.

Lobb - Quora Spam

There are numerous examples of this combo, and it is played at all leagues and levels. However it is particularly deadly and one sided at Bronze leagues. Why?

  • If you are a noob, you don't know what's coming!
  • Even if you are a veteran, you may have forgotten how to play bronze
  • Maybe you are starting a new account to play lower leagues, and you don't have any Gladiators
  • You are slow and old like me, and can't pick the right counters quickly:)

Whatever, may be the reason it comes at you fast. Below is the simplest form, and you have no chance in the battle below against Lobb - Quora.


There are volumes of text written on the subject. There is a good and funny one by @captaindingus right here:


Here he even explains some very good counters. The dude have a llama-kron tatoo, so trust me he knows what he is talking about!

Splinterlands support desk led by @royaleagle even have an official cookbook for the problem:


So even back in the days, before the latest ranked battle update, there were ways. But let me tell you this, they were all difficult. I am a veteran above average player in the Champion League for 5 years and I can regularly rank in the top 100 playing manually (my personal best was 23 and 29), although I haven't ranked that high in years! So when I tell you, with a Level 1 CL deck and ghost cards, I can't climb out of bronze 3, we have a problem!

New Ranked Battle Update

Here is the easy way: if there is not level cap, you can power through it! So I did. I started this new account with a lot of Max CL + RW cards. I am through rather easily.


This is not a brag, but this is the way it should be. You should be able to buy your way out of the lower leagues. That is a EASY way to force noob players to buy/rent more cards. Every card game in the world does that! By the way, a 18 win streak is something I haven't had in a very long time, not just in bronze but anywhere!

So Ban Quora? Anyone?

You see, Quora wasn't the problem. It was the level caps!

Obviously Lobb-Quora is not an issue anymore. I have beaten many Lobb-Quoras within that 31 wins. The one we both enjoyed a lot is meeting and beating @davemccoy :)

Recently Dave did a podcast @thepeoplesguild here:


Anyways, here is my battle against Dave:


Battle Link

Please don't get me wrong. Lobb-Quora remains a formidable combo, but even if you do not have any gladiators, like I didn't in this case on my baby account, you can still power through it with max cards, or just higher level cards. This removal of level cap is new, and there will be many issues with it. However, the good things will outweigh the bad I think.

I am going to finish this post by quote Dave:

"He is like a lightning rod!"...................... Dave said that about me. It is absolutely correct Dave by the way, not just in this social network, but also in real life:) I just roll with it. Somebody got to! :)



I appreciate the tag AZ!!

I love the post and while I think Lobb-Quora was a problem in the previous Game Format... I believe Level Cap removal was the probably the best all around solution to that issue and many others.

I have been excited to test out the new format and have been loving it! I started the new Season in Modern D3 so I am excited to see where I end up at the end of this season :)

Oh - and I made it all the way to Modern Diamond 1 last season without any Gladiators (outside of "are you not entertained").

I hope to make it to Champ 3 this season but we will see :)

Great write up AZ, I hope you have been well!



Many of us here have our heart in the right place for the game. Including you.

Here is the easy way: if there is not level cap, you can power through it! So I did. I started this new account with a lot of Max CL + RW cards. I am through rather easily

AZ, I know many people don't fully understand this yet. So many players over the years were frustrated that they were "blocked" from moving higher and playing the cards at the level they paid for.

Its just like in nature, when you lift the anchor holding the boat in place, the boat will start to move in the water again. In other words, you can't go anywhere with the anchor holding it down.

We have lifted the anchor for thousands of current players, and even more importantly, we have now enabled hundreds of thousands of new players to join our game and have a legitimate chance to enjoy it!

We are now unanchored, our possible destinations have just expanded infinitely!!! :)

ps, while you probably enjoyed beating me up a little more than I did getting destroyed, I was happy to see you out there showing people how its done! I expect nothing less from you AZ! :D

Love seein 2 Praetorian heavyweights go head-to-head in battle!

Thanks for sharing Azircon and, Dave, we know ya set this one up just to be made an example of, so thanks for taking one for the team ;)

lol... yes that's it. I didn't really lose, it was just a setup!!! ;)

Ha ha. You know we both want it. Slot it up.

I agree 100% Dave. People are slow to understand the real implications!

And yes I was excited to meet you in the battlefield, since I play mostly champions I don't think I ever met you davemccoy account. I did meet your scholar account many times :)

I also made a how to beat Quora post a while back. I even included cheap to rent cards. But I do agree that the new updates severely hurt the power of the gladiator cards in Bronze. As a Bronze 1 player, the Zyriel+Taunt teams are unbeatable in Bronze. But since everyone is forced to move up, I am expecting the meta to change constantly.

This is big change and we all will need time to adjust with it. So far things are exciting.

I agree, and a lot of Champ Wild players seem to be excited and moving to Modern Bronze as well. I have faced some of them in Bronze 2.

It's definitely going to be interesting to see how things progress from here with the new rules. I recently started a third account and I was shocked at how hard it was to get up into silver with my deck I was using .

If you try it now and play manually in Modern I think you will see the difference

I enjoyed reading your post and totally agree, I started playing again this morning - I completely drained my energy before season end and found quite a few lob - quora combo's, killed them all so yea hopefully the noob spamming is over, she is however still pretty OP in poison matches in lower leagues

I just try to stun her :)

Yea, as long as she doesn't have immunity, affliction, dispel and stun all work great 😊

That was lazy @davemccoy !! :D

in 90%-95% of the cases that will get the job done to be honest

haha... definitely! :D

This is good for me as a newbie
I just started playing Splinterlands yesterday
I’m still quite confused but I know I’d get it

Keep playing and try to learn

If you need any help, feel free to message me on Discord: davemccoy

I'm happy to help you figure it out, it seems daunting sometimes, but you are actually coming in at a perfect time with this new change.

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I have written about this powerful combo myself. Very hard for newbies to counter in bronze since Quora can only be earned in Brawls. Also not all newbies will have soulbound reward cards like Lobb.

None will have Lobb or Quora. But if you read the post, they won't need it.

They just need to buy or rent a few higher level cards.

Yea but the new level cap rules present another problem to newbies who don't have levelled up cards. This means they will have to spend more to buy or rent which is a deterrent to a potential player. I wonder how much is needed to spend in other card games like Gods Unchained to have a decent start.

No. Not really. We want new people to buy or rent high level cards. That's what every game wants

Hopefully new players will be willing to spend 😀

I read of ppl complaining now that they are meeting max decks in silver and bronze and getting obliterated.

That's a good sign in my view.

Firstly, it won't last long, maybe a season or two, as those max decks will progress quickly, there is simply no profit to massaging your rating lower by losing deliberately every second match to maintain a position in the lower ratings. So,that "problem" will go away soon.

Secondly, and this is the bit I really like. All those max or high lvl decks represent players who walked away from manually playing in modern out of sheer frustration of not being able to get out of Bronze or low Silver. I know, I was one of them. I'm not a good player, but never the less I felt it was pointless to use energy going nowhere, so I left xBot to play my deck in Wild and capped my progress to Gold 1.

And now... xBot has my deck in wild to Diamond 1, where I think it will settle. I keep 20 energy and play about 10 matched each evening in Modern. By season end I'm sure I will be back in gold and next season I'll have a shot at Diamond. I'm even buying cards and levelling my playing deck for the first time in over a year.

All in all, a FANTASTIC improvement to the game.

Oh! and my rental deck has been cannibalised to level up my playing deck, another good sign for the rental market and card supply