Phew! Conflicts!

in Splinterlands5 months ago

Phew! Conflicts!

Nah, don't to be worried, there is absolutely no conflicts in my life! However, there is conflict in Splinterlands. I think its been 4 days since the unique new airdrop mechanism for the Rebellion card set is released. I think it was Tuesday the 23rd January when the update happened, but I didn't get a chance to document it at my blog. Recently I have spent $40K for buying Rebellion packs, simply because I have responsibility towards my scholars, and wanted to support the revunue stream for the SL team. Although, I don't particularly 'need' this many cards but in the latest model of airdrop holding cards are being rewarded.


The way this works is you can stake the cards in 'wagons' to earn conflict point contribution in real-time. 100,000 points gives you 1 chance. You need 200 chances for a guaranteed airdrop card. There will be 9 total airdrop and the current one is Rage! Look at that stats below, one impressive card! Obviously I want it. Currently I have 1803 chances, which I have accumulated in 4 days.

Currently I accumulate about 2M/hr in points. That is 2M/100K = 20 chances/hr. That is 480 chances/day. With a 30 days of conflict, that should be 14,400 chances in total. As 200 chances guarantees a card, that should be 72 cards minimum. It requires 11 cards to max this Legendary card, so I think I can expect about 7 max cards. I am happy with that!



Wagon50 Vouchers, 10,000 DEC, or 10,000 Credits
EligibilityRB cards or packs (cards are better)
DelegationCards must be owned, delegated cards do not qualify
Limits5 cards + 100 packs max, can be less
CPMax possible is GFL or 52500


I don't know about you, but I absolutely loved the intro cut-scene and the voice acting. It is short, exciting and to the point to get us engaged into the elements of the game!


I'm for sure no where near what you have lol But I have to say I actully love and enjoy the new airdrop system and I could see them doing a lot more with this style of gameplay in other aspects of the game. It was a smart move.

indeed it is a smart move.

I just calculated the sum of all market prices of my cards at this point


That is without counting Mantaroth and Grimbardun Smith promos.

When I add them....


At present with $40K investment.

Plus I am playing and 9 airdrop cards are on the way!

Boom! That's what we are looking for. When Matt took over again and started to turn the ship around it felt like we were moving in the right direction again. It feels good to see things running smoothly again and values increasing over time.

What a great improvement on the previous system.

Looks like you are all set for a nice haul of RAGE, grats!!, I think this card will be really strong, I'm looking forward to playing with it. I'll get two guaranteed and I'm relying on Lady Luck to see me right with a third to get to level 2, I'll be VERY happy with that !!

I wonder how they will adjust the guarantee number for the next drop ? I have some wiggle room to grow as my RB cards are Silver level at max, I usually play in Gold so my aim is to get back there ( If I can claw my way back up, it's tough !), so I'll bring the best cards up to Gold in time.

I'm really liking the 30 day interval, it was painful waiting for CL airdrops

Number guarantee will be there, but the chance number will slowly go up with each conflict. Currently it is 200 chance = 1 card. By the 9th it could be 600 chance = 1 card

Wow! 72 cards minimum is a lot. I wonder how it compares with the previous airdrop system. I really like the way this new method forces people to keep and hold on to their assets.

I can look up some of my old blogs and tell you later.

Cool. I would really appreciate that, thank you.

That's just unbelievably nuts! I think I get about 5000 points per hour on the small handful of cards that I have. I only bought two wagons because I don't have more cards than that! You should get plenty of Rage's. I am going to be lucky to get 1. My fault for not playing the last bull market right.

There is time. 9 months to be exact for this set. Then next set. There is always time

Yeah, I guess so. 😃

You spent $40k on buying Rebellion packs?
That’s a lot of money

I'm also thinking of buying some Rebellion pack

buy some, they are good

Thanks for the advice. I'm going to start buying REBELLION series cards

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I wish to thank you on your upvote in my post @azircon. Your support meant a lot.
I can't make a comment about splinterlands though for I am not a gamer and I have no idea about the games played here. More blessings coming back to you.