
in Splinterlands7 months ago


Today was the last day of Rebellion Card pack pre-sale at Splinterlands. For the longest of time, I was planning to getting about 10K packs, and not really trying to qualify on the Leaderboard to design summoners. I got what I wished for. The most important thing was that the pre-sale was successful and the team sold 492,665 packs out of 500,000 packs planned. Considering the bear market I say that is as good as it get. I would have loved to get it all done, but considering the circulstances, I think I can live with 7335 short as a goal.


Source: Created using AI images with DALL·E 3 Prompt: cowboy tough guy smoking face closeup grimace spaghetti western watercolor

The cool thing that happened today is how simply the community came together during the final hours of the pre-sale. After the DAO town hall at 9am to 10 am CST community just organically gathered together based on Aggy's call. At the peak there are about 100 people cheering the end of pre-sale of RB packs Hardpoint joined it and since we were refreshing the leaderboard in-game constantly, he created a LB on the fly that auto-refreshes, with color and information of our choice. All the while talking and listening to all our cumulative and collective criticism!


Source: Hardpoint's auto-refresh RB Pack Leaderboard created on the fly

I was putting in some of my final buys in, and listening to the community fun and banter in discord live voice. At the same time I was playing with DALL-E 3 AI image creator that can be used at microsoft bing. I was having some fund with the prompt trying to visualize what Hardpoint might look like while coding on-deman and on the clock. Below is what I got.


Source: Created using AI images with DALL·E 3: Prompt: coder writing computer code live on a time crunch watercolor

Its funny how it handled copyright materials. As I was trying to re-create the image of Clint Eastwood at The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, it gave me the 'prompt blocked' messaage, which I think is the right way to do it. However, I wish it gave me some reasoning on why. But maybe, it doesn't do that for a reason, so that people to try to game the system based on the response of those prompts. Kudos to DALL-E3.

DALL·E 3 understands significantly more nuance and detail than our previous systems, allowing you to easily translate your ideas into exceptionally accurate images.

For those who do not know DALL-E 3 is the latest version of OpenAI’s image generator. They officially released it fairly recently, I want to last month, but don't quote me on it, I hate to google now! The main thing is, you can access it via Microsoft Bing with your MS log-in and it is free. The interesting about DALL-E 3 is the fact that it re-writes your prompt, so there is no need to do very long complex prompt. Without getting too much into details on a tangent topic, I must say I rather like what I got on Hardpoint coding real-time. Brave new world, I say!


The Splinterlands


The cowboy image looks a lot more like Arthur Morgan from Read Dead Redemption 2. I guess that's because he has been the most popular cowboy on the web since 2018. People love this character, and even the game is considered to be the game of the decade by some.

It has the highest rating that I've seen in the last 2 decade's worth of games, which is a 4.8 out of 5. And those are some crazy high numbers.



I didn't know about this, I must admit :) Your knowledge of FPS or RPG games is superlative. I always learn something new reading your views.

Gaming has always been a thing for me dada, since I was 4 to 5 years old I guess.

I do love the competitive FPS thing, but that's a newfound love. And it's the online realm of friends, teammates, and community that makes the competitive genre "fun".

Story-driven games, however, like RDR, Cyberpunk, and Witcher, even GTA, these solo experiences are more like a good and memorable movie; one where you're the main character. Now, whether you choose to be a hero, an anti-hero, or a villain, these days that's totally up to you; there's a hint of our own character in every game. And that's just the story.

The graphics, physics, and all, immersion, it's just crazy real nowadays.

These games are the closest thing some of us will have to ever being cast in a movie haha. Whether it be a cowboy from the old Wild West, the Golden Age of Piracy, or an Edgrerunner from the future, these digital realms offer it all.

That's amazing, and a really good illustration of how these generative machines only create based upon the body of input. Still......pretty awesome to see.

I guess they took the latest and greatest info about cowboys from the web and just combined it all. I'd say 90% of these AI image generators will go for some results, considering how popular this character and game is.

DALL-E 3 is the latest version of OpenAI’s image generator. They officially released it fairly recently

Now that, I like the sound of. Some images for 'The Horrors of Kwiksave' would be very useful and add some flavour to the story I never seem to finish.

It is fun to use, and the fact that it is integrated with Bing, means you don't need to register and open an account. My kids are artsy and they are having a lot of fun with it especially my younger. Her prompt was:

super duper sunflower hedgehog


'a male photorealistic stern middle aged fat supermarket manager with large glasses with a heavily receding grey hairline and bulging eyes with no beard or moustache'


Its picky!

LOL. That prompt is too long.


Keep this in mind. Since it is a LLM in the backend. It re-writes your prompt. So need need to go very specific.

Dang that's really impressive, they still got it. Looking forward to see what SPL does this potential bullrun.

I am curious myself. I am betting that we will do well but obviously I don't have any crystal ball

make him cover up for more scammers like markymark :D

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Now this is super interesting....I always struggle to find a image for my post..scrolling through gallery to googljng......May be now I give it a try to find some relevant images for my shitty content..👍👍

I was wondering what the final sale was It looked like it was going to be close. That's a HUGE win for Splinterlands and for Hive showing just how much demand there still is. Huge win for the DAO as well.

It's interesting to see AI. There's really no reason why the AI shouldn't know what is considered "copyright" material and not use it. Might be a strong next phase of AI as it continues to improve.

That image is dope, I have messed around with any of the AI image/content creators but it is cool to see a little bit of what they capable of.

Felicitaciones por su logro, me gustó mucho leer su post... Saludos, que siga teniendo muchos éxitos...❤️

Number seven isn't too bad! I love Splinterlands but I didn't buy heavy into this one, my retirement accounts needed a serious boost so more went into those! Congratulations, you should get some nice cards out of those!


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but when i was giving away free splinterlands packs you were voting it down, GG

I am surprised that you are alive still. I will still DV, only problem is my DV is still $9

ur poor coz u stupid
ur stupid so ur poor

This is coming from someone who upvotes his comments right before payout for $0.10.