Ability strategy analysis: Inspire

in Splinterlandslast month

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This week we have a look at inspire. Very strong ability when combined with many melee units. Still i do not use inspire very often. In my case it often a ability that just happens to be there also, not specifically selected.
In some ruleset i like to pick them more often like in Up close & personal or Melee Mayhem


Gives all friendly Units +1 Melee attack.

  • Inspire stacks with inspire and summoners that grant increased melee attacks.
  • Inspire can be dispelled.

Official ability information from splinterlands: List abilities

Synergies / strategy

Abilities benefits
Piercing - With buffed melee damage units that have piercing will optimal use the extra melee damage.

Protect - With melee units every armor will count. Only when you expect that the chance on magic is lower.

Be aware of abilities
Dispel - Dispel can undo the increase melee.

Ruleset benefits
Up close & personal - There are only melee units so this will also mean all your units are boosted.

What Doesn't Kill You - All units are granted increased speed and melee attacks when damaged via enrage. When paired with inspire, this can allow you to deal an even more devastating blow!
Melee Mayhem - Melee Units can attack from any position rendering Inspire all the more valuable.

Select / favorite

Mine inspire units:

As you can se there are not that many with inspire indicating its powerful or very situation or both 😁.

My most used units:

So when i started the post i immediately toughed of River Hellondale. After watching more battle and playing a week focusing on when i select which inspire unit I noticed that i play Ravenhood Warden moe often and with higher win rate.
Look at my stats again and see that since the start of this year Ravenhood has taken the lead.


Also River Hellondale is often selected for the resurrect in my case.
As below you see some advantages like the little league it still can be played.



Medium mana battle where no magic unit can be selected. So River Hellondale is not possible. I try to play with the melee range team including the Ravehood warden.


Lost Magic:
No magic unit can be selected

Reverse Speed:

Units with lower speeds will attack before units with higher speeds. Attack Accuracy based on speed will also be reversed.

The Lineup


Even with no magic is will choose the Thaddius Brood to play my inspire setup.

Monsters Lineup


Crypt Beetle (lvl 10)
Low mana unit and i expect some melee so the shield will be useful.

Wailing Wraith (lvl 4)
One of my rebellion units that has reach and also melee that will be boosted.

Riftwing (lvl 10)
Important unit to create some time before my range units will be in the front

Soul Strangler (lvl 8)
Love the poison of this unit and for the 3 mana 4 damage its great unit with low mana battles.

Ravenhood Warden (lvl 7)
Star of this week. Need the extra melee damage in the front and the protect is also very welcome because of the no magic units.

Weirding Warrior (lvl 5)
I expect some armor so the shatter will break that easily. Risk in this match is for sneak attackers.

The Battle


Link to the battle:
Link to battle


Start :

No sneak unit so that is great. some similar strategy. I like my opponent choice with the cursed windeku
If i can get past that unit fast the battle should be mine imo.

Round 1:

Almost killed his cursed windeku the extra melee damage is very important in this battle. I got some lower speed units which make me strike first so this is looking good.

Round 2:


When the riftwing is killed the ranged units will get in the front and the match will be over quickly.
This round i had some misses not because of the speed but because of the flying 25% change to miss.

Round 3:


Did not expect that 3 misses with backfire!!. Lucky my riftwing can also get in the front todo the same. No worries at that moment.

Round 4:

Riftwing is gone not the ranged units are getting the front and only the soul strangler can do 1 damage.

Round 5:



The inspire ability is occasionally a very good ability that can really boost your melee units. This match not all where melee units but still it played a major part in the victory of this match.

Previous ability strategy posts

Below you will find references to the other ability strategies / analysis posts.

That's all for this week hope you enjoyed reading this ability strategy/analysis. See you all on the battlefield.

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Thanks for sharing! - @lenonmc21