Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge! - Healed Out 2

in Splinterlands22 days ago



Hello! This post is for the second entry of Battle Mage Secrets weekly challenge. For this week, we have Healed Out as the featured ruleset. This post features a battle from a tournament that only allows only Chaos and Untamed cards, with a restricting ruleset.


Healed Out

  • All healing abilities are removed.
  • This applies to summoners as well.
  • Healing abilities include Heal, Tank Heal, and Triage.

I think Healed out generally impacts Water, Earth and Life monsters because it has a lot of tank heal and triage monsters, but other types do have heal monsters. However, Life Leech and Repair can give units more health or heal their armor.



Battle Info

Rank: CL+Untamed Bronze
Avaliable Type: Earth, Life, Dragon
Mana: 58
Lost Legendaries: Legendary units may not be used.
Lost Magic: Magic units may not be used in battle.
Healed Out: All healing abilities are removed.

Surprisingly, it has similar rulesets from previous Battle Mage Secrets Challenge. It has Healed Out, and it has 2 Lost rulesets, Lost Legendries and Lost Magic. In other words, it just gives restriction to the choices that I can make. At least the Mana Limit is high, so you are not restricted in mana costs.


My Lineup

Summoner: Helios Matriarch. It gives +1 speed to all friendly units and allow a gladiator unit in battle. It is the best choice for soulbound summoners if you want to use gladiator cards. In this battle, although you cannot use Quora, you still can use other strong gladiator cards.

First position: Djinn Chwala. Without Magic attackers, the chance of meeting melee attackers is way higher, since you are likely to use melee monsters than ranged monsters, because they cannot attack at the front.

Second position: Bramble Pixie. For the second position, I put Bramble Pixie. It has 3 melee attack for 7 mana and it also has reach so it can attack from the second position. For 7 mana it has decent stats.

Third position: Arkemis the Bear. Arkemis the Bear is a promo card in CL. In this battle I was not able to use this card on higher level, but it has good stats and protect ability for 12 mana. Protect is really useful because without magic, you need to break through all the armor to take down the units.

Fourth position: Sand Worm. For 9 mana it has a whopping 5 melee attack and Sneak, which means it could attack from any position and will target the back monster. Although for 9 mana it is really low on health and speed, but the 5 melee attack is really strong.

Fifth position: Katrelba Gobson. It is the reason why I used gladiator summoner. I cannot use Quora and combined with Sand Worm I thought it would trigger bloodlust ability and gain stats. For 6 mana it is pretty strong.

Last position: Runic Skyclaw. Lastly, I went for Runic Skyclaw. It is perfect at the back because while it is a ranged monster, it also has high health which would soak some Sneak attacks from the enemy.


Battle Link: HERE


Round 1

The enemy monsters were revealed and they went for Earth Summoner Scarred Llama Mage and went with a mix of Melee monsters and Ranged monsters. They had Venari Knifer at the end, and I think it was intended to be getting the Last Stand effect. However, I went with Sneak monsters so it would ruin their plan.

Round 1 started and Katrelba Gobson were almost taken down because of the Thorn damage, but it was left at 1 health. Grund also took a lot of damage by Thorn damage and heavy melee attacks. Sand Worm also took down Venari Knifer, which was probably not what they intended. The enemy Snipe monsters attacked Runic Skyclaw, but missed a lot because of speed difference.


Round 2

Round 2 started and after some blows, Grund was taken down by its own attack because of Thorn damage from Djinn Chwala. Each time it attacks, it gets 2 damage back so it was critical. Hunter Jarx was also taken down from the backside by Sand Worm. The 5 damage was really efficient. Enemy Bramble Pixie took down my Djin Chwala, but it was also taken down by the Thorn damage. At this point, the game was basically over because they only had ranged monsters left, while I was only one monster down.


Round 3, 4

The combo of Sneak and Snipe attacks took down Mantoid, the backside unit. So Goblin Tower got the Last Stand ability. However, it was not able to attack because it is at the first position, so at Round 4 the game ended.


Thoughts about this battle

The game was pretty one-sided. A combination of Melee attackers with Reach, Sneak (or Opportunity) worked out better than playing Ranged units that's not able to attack at the first position.



Thanks to all the people that read this post!

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