Sharing my Splinterlands End of Season Results!

in Splinterlandslast month (edited)




Hello Everyone! This season is the second Season to get Glint rewards instead of chests. I believe already everyone have gotten their Glint rewards now. I spent the EoS glint rewards to buy soulbound cards to further increase my collection. Although getting Chests are more exciting, this kind of rewards are also good for me.

Looking at the rewards I went for 100 Rare draws, 100 common draws and 1 legendary, and here is the result of the rare draws. I did not get any GF cards, even though I spent the potions. It was a bit disappointing, but with the summoner cards I got, I was able to increase all Soulbound summoners to level 4, and Franz Ruffmane(light) to level 5.



Last Season I was playing a little in the league, but with still not having a full collection, it was hard to go up in leagues. I should've bought more cards, but I did not. Looking at Champion, at the end of season, the bot was able to get into Champion, which is really unexpected for me. It also had a decent W/L ratio.



With 186 wins in Ranked I got 220 SPS and also around 7700 Glint. That meant I am getting over around 1.18 SPS per win. It definitely felt that the SPS reward from winning have increased.


Tournaments this season was not great for me, since I kept forgetting to submit battles, and resulted many losses. However, I got 9.4 SPS in a Tournament because at the first round I had a very good amount of wins.



Card Rentals (and SPS rentals) are taking a lot of my DEC, and recently also Land because currently I am hoping to buy a plot from the market and stocking up my DEC. This season I also got a small amount of SPS from cards that I am not playing, and I spent around 700 DEC in total. However, SPS rentals would be more expensive, but I don't know how exactly I spent. It would be around 240 DEC a day, since I am currently getting 60,000 SPS incoming.


For the SPS earnings, I got around 289 SPS. That is almost 300 SPS! Although I had to rent a lot of SPS, I was really surprised with how much I got. Currently I am getting around 60,000 SPS rentals so that would be the reason of this rewards.


How was your end of season rewards?
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