Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!

in Splinterlandslast month



Hello! This post is for the entry of Splinterlands Social Media Challenge. Before looking at the battle, let's look at the changes in the Glint shop: Rarity Draws.

Rarity Draws allow players to choose specific card rarities. I think it is a really good addition in the shop. Now, players can choose what rarities of cards you can get. For example, I really need more summoners, so I bought 100 RARE draws, and also some Common draws because they are really cheap and allows you to upgrade your soulbound collection because I don't have them on max level.

The prices of each draws on Batch 1 is:
Common: 100 Glint * 400 cards
Rare: 500 Glint * 100 cards
Epic: 5,000 Glint * 25 cards
Legendary: 25,000 Glint * 10 cards

Finally, I tried my luck with a Legendary Draw:


I was really hoping for Kulu Mastermind, but I was able to get Sorriel The Bale. This card is also great, and I am only 1 BCX close to level 2. Now, let's dive into today's featured battle.


Battle Info

Rank: Modern Novice Tournament
Avaliable Type: Water, Death
Mana: 38
What Doesn't Kill You: All units gain the Enrage ability which multiplies their speed and melee attack by 1.5x rounded up.
Fire & Regret: All units receive the Return Fire ability at the start of the battle. Enemy units that attack with ranged attacks receive damage back.
Are You Not Entertained?: Players may play one additional Gladiator Card per battle.

The ruleset was not restricting apart from a little bit of ranged restriction. You are allowed a gladiator in this battle, and enraged ruleset gives more buff to speed and melee attackers.


My Lineup

Summoner: Possibilious the Wise. Enrage buffs Melee attacks, so I used Possibilious which would also give Trample and Reach. It seemed like a good choice with rulesets that favor melee attacks.

First positon: Xenith Monk. For the tank I was not really high on mana so I went with Xenith Monk. It did not have heal but it still has 6 health and melee attack.

Second position: Coastal Sentry. It is a good combo with Possibilious, and with enrage its attack will be really high. However, its low health is bad, because with enrage, the opponent's monsters would likely have higher attacks if they get enraged.

Third position: Torrent Fiend. Fiends cost 0 mana so it could be used almost any time. However it seems to be misplaced but I was lucky that they did not have sneak attackers.

Fourth position: Deeplurcker. Also a greatpair with Possibilious, but Opportunity could buff the enemy backline monsters with Enrage though. With Isgald Vorst, it could be powerful.

Fifth position: Swamp Spitter. For 7 mana, after seeing the lineup, I really think that there could've been a much more better cards. The ruleset will give disadvantages, and there is only 3 monsters in my lineup that has armors.

Last position: Isgald Vorst. There ruleset allows a free gladiator, so why not use it? With the melee attack it also gets Trample from possbilious, making it possible to defeat more than 1 enemies in only 1 attack.


Battle Link: HERE


Round 1

The enemy monsters were revealed and they had quite a good lineup! They also used melee monsters with Flank so it could attack from the second position. However, they had 2 magic attackers at the back, and with the summoner allowing additional gladiator and them playing Usut, they had 3 Bloodlust monsters in total. However, they also used a lot of high cost monsters, so their backline had little support, making it vulnerable to Opportunity and Snipe attacks.

Round 1 started and we took some blows. Coastal Sentry was having a hard time breaking through Ulundin Overseer's massive health and armor, while Isgald Vorst made a double kill targeting the back of their lineup. That meant that Deeplurcker was able to clear Witch of Warwicks that could sprial out of control with life leech. Although Usut was able to trigger Bloodlust by taking down Xenith Monk, it was still good for me.


Round 2

The key in this battle was the speed difference. It allowed me to clear their Trapp Falloway first by Isgald Vorst, and they only had Usut attacking left. At this point, the game was basically over with just Usut left against all my units. The game ended at Round 2.


Thoughts about this battle

Because of the two extra little units at the back in my opponent's lineup, it seems like I won this battle. If they used units with high health, than I would definitely lose this battle.


Thanks to all the people that read this post!

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All images are used from Splinterland.


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Thanks for sharing! - @cieliss