Splinterlands Art Contest | SPS DAO

in Splinterlands4 months ago

For the SPS DAO themed Splinterlands art contest, I'm using the help of AI to create various images that are inspired by @splinterlands cards.


In the following one, the idea was to get Grimbardun Smith building a shield in a forge. I kept needing to specify his "size", and ended up with this one that I think is quite good despite him being literally a giant. BUT I feel it's relatively appropriate, given his "giant" status in the game right now.

Next, I wanted to get Rage in on the action. I decided to make the "DAO building" a sort of civics center, and have Rage attacking it. It seems...somewhat appropriate given the fire our DAO has to deal with on a regular basis.

In the following image I was trying to get Barashkukor through, and it took a lot of tries to describe the right kind of demon that I wanted. Also for some reason a bunch of times the AI rendered images without "SPS DAO" in it, despite my insistence to do so, but had odd glyphs and runes around that might be "SPS DAO" written in some demonic language...

And finally this was an attempt at getting Mantaroth into the action. Sadly the AI had a LOT of trouble putting a sort of Minotaur in a helmet, and this is the best I was able to get after a few dozen attempts. I wanted "SPS DAO" to be sewn onto a banner, and think that part was expertly rendered.

For funesies, here are a few more, including some of the "bloopers"...





