Untamed x Rebellion Synergies | Fire Splinter | Splinterlands

in Splinterlands4 months ago


So far in this series I've looked at the Life and Death splinters. Now it's time to look at the Fire Splinter and evaluate potential synergies between Untamed and Rebellion.


Untamed x Rebellion Synergies - Fire Splinter

No-attack cards

Well I didn't realize it till now, but the Fire splinter in Untamed doesn't have any no-attack cards! That's a bummer, because Rebellion has lots of Weapons Trainers, and in particular the Fire splinter has a really good one in Dalthin Ironhood, the Epic ranged card. So no synergies here.

Melee cards



Lots of melee cards to look at.

The Fire splinter in Rebellion has not one but TWO cards with flank (Torch Myrmidon and Infernal Firestorm), so that one may synergize with several of these. Magnor is interesting as he could now go in the second position, continue to draw fire, and get healed by Triage from someone like Spirit Hoarder. Given the lack of healing in the fire splinter, that could be a terrific position for Magnor that enables him to still continue attacking. I don't really feel like any of the other melee cards in Untamed benefit from flank very much, as they either have Reach already (e.g. Fineas) or are tanks themselves (e.g. Living Lava).

I feel like Serpentine Spy gets a small boost from Gobalano Soldier, as the latter can take an Ambush turn to destroy the back line Armor before Serpentine Spy finishes it off in the first round (if it's a card like Dumacke Orc who is a great counter to squishy opportunity cards). The Spy also gets a small synergy with Torch Vizier who is another Opportunity card, meaning they can be stacked to target the same card together.

In theory you could say Charlok Minotaur gets a small boost from Akane given his high damage, low speed, and True Strike. But meh, that's reaching I think. Magnor does get a nice synergy with Akane IMO, getting a chance off the bat to harm the enemy's front line and increase the likelihood of a trample later in the battle.

Magnor also gets a boost thanks to the dual-color summoners, since that means this tank can finally get some proper healing (from the Earth splinter). This could make him even more fearsome than he already is. And also another small synergy with Pallus for the lookout. Magnor's piling it on.

The Fire/Earth dual-summoner could also allow Fire melee cards to get Inspire from Brownie, though that's also a bit niche.

Magic cards


Next up we've got 3 magic cards to look at.

Hmm... Efreet Elder in a 12 mana fire-only & magic-only match with Nomos as the summoner? Maaaaybe... I should actually beat Jacek+Efreet since you'd miss only 30% of the time (9 vs 6 speed) but you'd be doing much more damage (5 vs 2, assuming the last stand gets applied after the stat adjustments are done).

Not sure what to make of Caladuum. I can't find any obvious synergies or counters there.

Ranged cards



Next, Ranged.

Flamesmith is nice with the Shatter and Repair, which are both a counter and a synergy with Mantaroth and to a lesser extent Grim Smith.

Ferexia General is also nice with the Shatter for the same reason as above, though with snipe he'll likely shoot away from either of the above cards. The Inspire from Ferexia General is useful for Gobalano Soldier to hit harder on his Ambush and also nice for Mantaroth.

Pyromaniac, being one of the few Ranged sneak cards, is nice to pair with Gobalano Soldier as well.

That's all I can find for now.



Ahh, the Fire summoners in Untamed... Or the rather, Yodin. Let's start there.

Yodin's had a tougher time since the increase in Return Fire, Amplify, Taunt, and Reflection Shield, but he's still incredibly powerful. With Rebellion, he gets a few new weapons to fight with:

  • Gobalano Soldier with Ambush gets a boost from the blast
  • Rush gets a HUGE synergy with Piercing and Ambush
  • Kha'zi Fire Mage might get to see some daylight, as her Scattershot will be valuable paired with Blast
  • Flame Mephit is a cheap Ranged card and a nice pairing
  • Muspelheim Demon also gets value from Scattershot, and a bonus given his True Strike (speed can be a problem for Yodin teams)
  • Torch Vizier's opportunity pairs well also
  • Even Chaos Orc could be a good option, given the Piercing/Trample combo
  • In the Neutral cards there's Drybone Bowdog that's a standout with Scattershot+Ambush as a Ranged card, and Nimbledook Ranger is cool with Snipe and Double Strike.

Wow, Yodin gets a lot to play with!

The other two guys... eh, not so much I think.


The Fire splinter in Untamed is an interesting one, and at first I thought it might be a bit dry given the lack of no-attack cards. However I see two cards with HUGE synergy, specifically Yodin (tons of new weapons) and Magnor (lots of new utility). Next we have a few with medium-level synergy including Flamesmith and Serpentine Spy. Beyond that, it'll require some more playtesting I think.

What do you think? Did I forget any important synergies?

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