Untamed x Rebellion Synergies | Water Splinter | Splinterlands

in Splinterlands4 months ago


So far in this series I've looked at the Life, Death, Fire, and Earth splinters. Now it's time to look at the Water Splinter and evaluate potential synergies between Untamed and Rebellion.


Untamed x Rebellion Synergies - Water Splinter

No-attack cards


The Water splinter for Untamed has 2 no-attack cards, and I think both of them will synergize well with Rebellion.

Kelp Initiate, already a fantastic card in its own right, will be a great addition to stack Triage and get played alongside Daarg. The only qualm is that its Cleanse ability won't be as useful if you're putting Grim up front, but it will if you're putting someone else like Baakjira up front.

Albatross is another good card and cheaper than Merdaali Guardian who often gets used behind Daarg to heal Grim in the front.

Both of these will be very useful in Lily+Grim Smith "unkillable" teams.

Melee cards



There are 7 melee cards to look at in Untamed.

The first that stands out to me is Tortisian Fighter, who could be a nice support for both Mantaroth and Grim Smith with his Repair.

Demented Shark could give some value, pairing with Mantaroth but also someone like Pirate of Eight. With Inspire, Pirate of Eight gets to 5 Melee damage, which brings his Blast damage up to 3.

Feasting Seaweed could sometimes be interesting with Akane, to stack with another Opportunity card as a dual Ambush threat. But it's a small window of opportunities I think (see what I did there?🤣).

Technically all of these could synergize with the new Water summoner, Rosa, by using the Shield ability. However that'll have limited usage I think, given other Summoner options in Water like Kelya. However, under specific circumstances I suppose it could work, e.g. putting it on Demented Shark in a melee-only/amplify ruleset... or putting it on Torhilo in a reverse speed low mana ruleset. Still, pretty circumstantial.

Magic cards



Next up: Magic. We've got 5 cards to look at.

Coral Wraith will be a stand out with the Rust and Sneak. It'll pair really well with Captain Fellblade to stack Sneak. You could also run it with Akane and have both of them get the Ambush. Rust overall is very powerful in general in the current Meta.

Ice Pixie is another interesting one because of the high speed & Shatter. She'll be able to act first in many cases and remove armor from a front line tank like Grim Smith, enabling others to start eating into his health. However she's sort of duplicative to the SB Legendary reward card Musa, who also does Shatter, albeit for 1 additional mana.

Captain's Ghost might finally get some utility with his Oppress. You could stack him with Magi of Chaos to try to take out Grim if you know that's what you'll be going up against. Sadly the Affliction does nothing against Grim so his other ability is a waste in that scenario.

Phantom of the Abyss is a great card on its own and in many scenarios, and her Demoralize+Headwinds combo could pair well with Endura Brune's own Silence+Headwinds to try to neutralize the enemy attacks. Could work in a Lily/Grim unkillable team.

Finally Lobstradamus could be an interesting alternative tank that you could pair with Anasth Soothsayer for increased survivability (I'm always sort of annoying that the Cleanse is wasted on Grim Smith!).

Lots of good synergies here.

Ranged cards



There are 6 cards in Ranged Untamed.

The first thing I was looking for was an Oppress, hoping to stack Rosa's +2 melee with that to create a Grim sniper, but unfortunately there is no such card.

The standout here will be Axemaster with his dual-strike. That will be awesome with Rosa's +2 Ranged damage.

Poseidon will also be interesting, as he'll get 7 Ranged Damage (Seven!) which will blast for 4.

Azmare Harpoonist, which has 5 damage and Piercing at the highest level, could also get some additional value.

I think you could even give a little to Two Gun Pete here, turning him into a 3-dmg Ranged card for 1 mana with Rosa... but I don't see that being used very often.

Alternatively you could see some of these, like Poseidon, getting used with Akane to get a big hit in the Ambush round.



Finally we've got the Water summoners.

Let's skip Vera and Bortus as they won't be adding much.

Lir Deepswimmer is interesting, and I think it's mainly because of the +2 Armor. This helps Mantaroth deal more damage and helps an overall already quite survivable Water team get even tougher. Putting some Armor on Daarg and Daigendark Surveyor makes them harder to kill than they already are. The Blind could also give some utility as Water teams tend to be quite fast and have a lot of cards with speed adjustments. Even though you can get that from other cards like Spirit Hoarder or the squid, getting it from the summoner means 1 more card slot you can use for something else.

Finally I would say that Ranged has made a "bit" of a resurgence in the latest Modern gameplay, so Lir will likely get some utility overall as a counter with his Armor+Return Fire.


There are a lot of good synergies for the Water splinter between Untamed and Rebellion. To me the stand-outs are Kelp Initiate as a super-fast weapon-trained card w/ Triage, Coral Wraith for Rust and Sneak-stacking, Ice Pixie for the fast shatter, Axemaster and Poseidon for the Rosa +2 Ranged buff as well as Akane Ambushers, and Lir Deepswimmer for the various abilities that synergize/counter well with Rebellion overall. There's a ton to love here in my opinion, and it just adds to the already incredible power of the Water splinter.

What do you think? Did I forget any important synergies?

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