Going the Distance

in Splinterlandslast month

This ruleset is arguably the most specific one, and until the Gold Leagues, players may find themselves lacking suitable cards for it. I used to have a balanced Water set that could win at least 4 out of 5 battles under this ruleset, regardless of other possible modifications. However, Lir Deepswimmer isn’t eligible for the Modern anymore, and I have already sold most of the cards or stopped renting them anyway. On the rare occasions, I am forced to Go the Distance, I have to improvise. This battle was one such case. On the bright side, it forced me to combine cards I hardly ever play, making my post more original compared to the ones I usually publish for the Battle Mage Secrets challenge.

With the Life splinter off the table, none of my summoners particularly fit the ruleset. After consideration, I decided on Helios Matriarch, as the speed buff is quite universal, especially when you can expect to face a similar deck to yours. With several ranged gladiators among the Death cards, I sided with this Splinter.

Since I have no real tank among ranged monsters of the Death Splinter, I opted for buffing a fast monster with a martyr and hoped for a bit of luck when it comes to evading attacks. Venari Marksrat was then an easy choice for the first position.

From the possible second-row cards, Nimbledook Ranger seemed to be the best option even though the card is quite expensive since the mana cap was not the concern. Its offensive abilities are below average, so I did not lose much of my potential once it got to the first position. Besides, it is fast on its own compared to most ranged monsters.

When the magic monsters are absent, Ravenhood Warden is a great card; its armor buff has won me numerous battles.

And now for the three powerful monsters in my deck. Daigendark Hunter is a pretty nasty monster, one of the best Sneakers at this level.

My gladiator, Liza Fox, served as artillery in this battle; no wonder she was the most dreadful monster involved.

In lower leagues, Dhampir Stalker is a great ranger who never misses. Once you get higher, his vulnerability and low speed push him down, but he definitely has a word or two to say in battles like this.

The Battle

I wasn't as confident in my set as I usually am, but the very first glance at my opponent’s deck revealed they were facing similar difficulties in selecting their monsters. It became evident that we approached the battle with the same strategy - using Gem Meteor as a tank is a clear bet on luck when evading attacks, just as Supply Runner in the second position. However, drafting two monsters with True Strike suggests that my opponent aimed to ensure hitting my monsters.

Once again, Ravenhood Warden demonstrated what an exceptional monster it is, given that you play it wisely. The additional two armor points effectively meant my monsters could withstand one extra hit. This advantage helped me to secure victory, especially when combined with the summoner’s speed buff. As a result, the battle turned into a massacre, with only my Martyr and tank falling, while the opponent’s entire army was wiped out within three rounds.

See the battle here!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Nice work, gladiator cards are very effective additions to any deck.

Yep, they are extremely powerful when played wisely :)

Good win and comfortable too. Having that extra gladius card comes in handy.

Yes, they are called Gladiators for a reason ;)

This one was mere luck, though, neither my opponent nor me really had cards for the ruleset :)

Thanks for stopping by!

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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121