Announcing Winner & Second Giveaway!

in Splinterlands10 months ago

card giveaway (1).jpg

Hello again! Yesterday I decided to try out my very first Splinterlands card giveaway! There were four entries and one was picked using a random picker. Now I'm ready to do another giveaway!

The Rules

  1. Comment something like "I'm in" to join.
  2. Only one comment per account.
  3. I will use a random picker and whoever it chooses will get the card after I announce the winner.

I will pick a winner around 6PM EST tomorrow (NYC timezone) and announce it in my next post. All of those who took part in this one will be tagged in the next post to see who the winner is. The next post will also have a new giveaway with a new card.

The Winner Will Get This Card:

Screenshot (18).png

The Winner of Yesterday's Giveaway Was:

@jhuleader congratulations! Your Djinn Chwala card has been sent over!

Thank you to @olaf.gui @outwars @emeraldtiger for participating! Better luck next time!

As I said before, I'm not sure how long I will run these giveaways but I do have 5 more cards set aside for giveaways after this one.

Good luck everyone!!!


Please count me in. @ebastion
Good luck!

ty @jhuleader

plz notify me

Congrats jhuleader, and thank you for doing these giveaways. Count me in please. @outwars