
This week we are entering a new season, and a new reward structure has been introduced. Introducing GLINT, the new reward token which replace reward points. Rather than collecting reward points to claim Chest rewards, now Glint work as universal token expendable to purchase reward through the shop. This is good for 2 (two) things, there will be voluntary option to attain certain rewards rather than decided arbitrarily, second the value of rewards claimed will be in conjunction with the glint expended.

My first impression on this new system wasn't that much good. Mainly because the amount of the glint compared to the cost of rewards itself. On Gold 1, each victory grant me aroung 40 to 50 glint points. Compared to Initiate Draw (which cost 150 glints), it will took 4 (four) victory before I could claim a single reward card. Thats a lot of work considering previously you could gained 3 or 4 bronze chest from a whip of victory. And the other adversity is the lost of daily focus boost. Now we only rely on gold foil and promo / alpha / beta for boost.

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So here I bring an intresting battle experience in the time of Glint reward system. Click BATTLE LINK to see how the battle run.


Here in this battle we have Rise Of The Commons as the ruleset. While all only Water, Earth, and Dragon Splinters are made available.

It's always intresting to have battle limitted to Normal and Rare cards only, because Epic and Legendary area usually more accessible to well financed players. For this battle I decided to go with Water Splinter and Prophet Rosa. With a 41 mana cap, I pick Diemonshark to spearhead the formation, then followed by Deeplurker. Next I have Water Caller. I seldom used this card, but its worth to have 6 health card for 5 mana. The rear squad consist of ranged cards, which is Angelic Mandarin, Nimbledook Ranger, and Swap Spitter. I put damage buff into the Ranger and Spitter.

In the opposite side, my opponent decided to go with Immortalis, a tough summoner to deal with. Fortunately I didn't rely much on magic cards, which make its Void rather wasted. The frontier are filled by Mycelic Infantry, then there is Regal Peryton. Then its is followed by Mushroom Seer, Goblin Psychic, and Wood Nymph. These cards not only deal 2 magic damage but having 2 Heal might stretch the battle into long run. Last but not least is Fungus Flinger which made me a bit relieved, at least it will only buff Wood Nymph at best.


Shatter ability brought by Immortalis really put a test to my Diemonshark. In a single swept, Regal Peryton not only damage Diemonshark but break down the whole 6 armor. Diemonshark deal a very minor 1 damage to Mycelic Infantry. And then Nimbledook Ranger fire a volley of arrow only to make single hit into Regal Peryton. I missed several momentum as Deeplurker missed its attack and both Angelic Mandarin and Water Caller deal zero damage to Mycelic. And then in streak of strike, Goblin Psychic, Mushroom Seer, and Wood Nymph deal a fatal blow into Diemonshark. By the end of the round Diemondshark is dismissed.


In the start of 2nd round, I regain my momentum with Nimbledook shoot down Regal Peryton. Swamp Spitter and Deeplurker strike into Mycelic Infantry to bring it down to 3 health remaining. But the battle quickly overturned when the magic squad strike into my formation and make double kill into Deeplurker and Water Caller. And the worst thing, Mycelic Infantry now got healed to 7 health. Its now 3 against 5, while I already lost my front Tanker.


I got the upperhand in this battle by having higher speed and thus better initiative. Nimbledook Ranger strike down Mushroom Seer and crippled Goblin Psychic, and then Swamp Spitter blast Mycelic Infantry. Then a wave of magic spell casted into Angelic Mandarin, leaving it to a dire 1 health. Luckily, Mycelic Infantry missed its blow into Angelic Mandarin, sparing it another round.


Nimbledook Ranger start to gain momentum and show off its fang. A double strike put a double kill into Goblin Psychic and Wood Nymph. Swamp Spitter deal a haevy 3 damage into Mycelic Infantry. Fungus Flinger strike down Angelic Mandarin. With this, I left with 2 cards remaining, with only Swamp Spitter holding the shot to make the kill.


The battle continue to 5th round. Swamp Spitter deal another 3 damage, one step further to put end to Mycelic Infantry for good. But Fungus Flinger and Mycelic Infantry put a fight to wound Nimbledook Ranger to 1 health remaining.


The 6th round become the decisive moment. As Swamp Spitter launched the killing blow into Mycelic Infantry, there's no chances for my opponent to fight back with Fungus Flinger remaining solely.

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This is just another example of how the tide of battle could make a sudden turn. With only 3 card without proper Tanker in the front row, facing against 5 cards with couple of magic Striker, the make a quick turn once the rear squad got dismantled. I think a good speed which lead to earlier act order and better evasion has always been a wild factor to victory.

This battle had granted 50 glints and 0.346 SPS. Its relatively small compared to the cost of the rewards (its even under a good boost amount +40%). I don't have other choice but to pursue staked SPS to gained better SPS boost.



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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121