
I guess I expected too much with the glints reward scheme when its first rolled out. Rather than grant a fixed amount gllints from the rating at the end of the season, the scheme has been revamped to grant glints equal to the double the glints gained during the season. Right now I managed to collect around 4,500 glints, which should grant me 9,000 by the end of season. And whats more confusing is the fact that league and rating relatively had no impact of the glints earned per win.

Currently with 5,900 staked SPS, my base earning is 46 at Gold II, and never find any increase even after I reached Diamond II (because the base earn increase but the reward boost is decreasing). And the antecendets of this I guess is because the elo rating system are replaced with fixed rating system. The new system made it easy to rose up in league, since 3 (three) winning streak will grant 40 rating, which could offset the fixed 20 rating loss from losing. An there's no more level cap for each league. Even at Diamond League, you could find yourself face players with mostly Bronze League cards. I know this might be irritating for some of us, but still this new system should encourages the newcomers and low level to rose up in league.

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So here I bring an intresting battle experience of a full arsenal magic cards. Click BATTLE LINK to see how the battle run.


Here in this battle we have Reverse Speed, Wands Out, and Armored Up as the ruleset. With only Fire and Dragon Splinters are made available.

Its a full magic cards formation with extra armor, so I should bring my best magic cards arsenal. I decided to go with Dragon Splinter and take Akane to be my summoners. Void Dragon will be the best Tanker to lead this battle, with 7 health and Void, its a pure anti-magic Tanker. Then I took my favourite magic card, Rage. Next there is Ifrit Rising which I guess would be needed to make single crushing blow. Last but not least is Spirt Hoarder just to spent my last 3 mana.

On the other side my opponent decided to go with Dragon Splinter also, which led by Lily Shieldpaw. Other than its Camouflage ability, I don't think its worth it to spend 6 mana for the rest of the abilities. Triage won't be much useful when all of the attcks will be directed to the front-row. The frontline also led by Void Dragon, which followed by Magi Of Chaos and Venari Spellsmith. Lastly there is Chaos Dragon which is their main arsenal. Although a bit inferior compared to Rage, its Scattershot will be a threat to my back line. With this my opponent only 35 out of 37 mana cap.


Prior to battle, I decided to put ambush to Rage and Ifrit Rising. Ifrit Rising will accumulate its attack which will be ready to use right on the 1st round. Rage attack got downgraded to 2 damage when it hit Void Dragon.


The smaller card with lower speed make the initial moves. Mostly got voided by Void Dragon, except for Magi Of Chaos which connect 1 damage to my Void Dragon. Chaos Dragon and Ifrit Rising come out to deal the major damage. Chaos Dragon with its Sattershot managed to hit Ifrit Rising, sending it down to 4 health. Rage follow up soon with 2 damage into Void Dragon. With this the battle ended with both Void Dragon facing at 1 health against 6 health.


Entering 2nd round, the battle runs similar to Round 1, except that Spirit Hoarder could perform Triage on Ifrit Rising to recover 2 health. Chaos Dragon cast another spell only to land on Rage, which downgrade it to 2 damage. Ifrit Rising charges it attack for the following round. Rage send the killing blow into Void Dragon. With no Tanker stood by anymore, my Void Dragon easily struck 1 damage into Magi Of Chaos.


The 3rd round put a momentum into my formation. Spirit Hoarder cast Triage on Rage which recover 2 health, this render Chaos Dragon previous attack to be useless. Chaos Dragon make its attack only to land on Rage once again, which surely be healed by Triage on the following round. And then in succession of moves, Ifrit Rising blow Magi Of Chaos with 6 damage. Then Rage come out with 4 damage which blow away Venari Spellsmith. With this only Chaos Dragon make the last stand with no Void protection or any other at all.


On the 4th round, my formation send down a wave of attack which drop down the Chaos Dragon health from 10 to 6 (this happen while Ifrit Rising still charging its attack). Meanwhile Chaos Dragon only able to struck Void Dragon with 2 damage which left 2 health remaining. With this there's no chances for Chaos Dragon to catch up against my formation.

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I found that Triage was a very effective ability when facing against opponent with Scattershot. The limited number of cards possessing Triage also come as factor on why this ability is soughtly after.


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