Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge | RULESET: Ferocity

in Splinterlandslast month


Hello guys welcome to the my blog and today I’m going to share battle make secret weekly challenge post and this time I have to ferocity ruleset Add in the battle and end I have played five letters to get this role set and then I get the Rosette in the 5th battle so it is easy for me so I am going to say a step by step all the battle related information here and my strategy and I hope that you will like this strategy and follow my card placement technique but make sure you have cards like me like I have used here in the battle so that you can follow the exact strategy of mine so lets start a by the way.

Battle Rules

  • Up to eleven : According to these rules set all monsters get amplifiability. Amplify means it will it is it increase the Magic triplet pawns and return fire by one so in this type of Rosa you have to take card with the abilities like magic reflect thorns and written fire.

  • Unprotected : If you are a fan of Armour then this is not a good result for you I mean you’re set rule set. You’re not going to protect your card from the melee attack and ranch statec and armour is a kind of extra protection for your card.

  • Ferocity : This is related to taunt so before understanding this roadside you have to understand the throne ability because as I said it is related to do not ability. Ferocity ability will give and ferocity ability gives fury ability to every single monster which is going to do double damage to the front ability monster..

My Battle Line Up


First position : The kraken is here This is very powerful with 14 health 4 attack 4 speed and taunt and demolisability And because of these things this card is very powerful than others and best best choice to use it in the first position.

Second position : Gelatinous cube is here because it is great monster with scavenger ability and this ability is unique and helpful in every type of battle with some additional helath. So I think this is great choice for second position.

Third position : djinn oshannus is another legendary monster with magic attack mainly it has void, forcefield and phase abilities. It has two attacks but because of the summoner it will get additional one attack.

Fourth position : Ruler of the seas is very powerful monster of the team and also water splinters and the main ability is blast and heavy attacks and these two reasons make this card more powerful.

Fifth position : sand worm is the most powerful melee attack monster which has 6 attack and this is huge. Also it has 3 speed and 6 health. This is nice monster for attack heavily.

Sixth position : Phantom of the abyss is the dangerous monster with multiple great abilities. Also it has heavy attacks and protect whole team from melee attack. So it is great for attack and defend both.

The Battle

Round 1 - Opponent lost cursed windeku by ruler of the seas’ attack
*I lost the kraken by barashkukor’s attack.

Round 2 - I lost gelatinous cube by harklaw’s attack

Round 3 - Opponent lost harklav by phantom of the abyss’ attack
*Opponent lost barashkukor by phantom of the abyss’ attack

Round 4 - No loss

Round 5 - Opponent lost riftwing by ruler of the seas’ attack.

Round 6 - Opponent lost skok duskblight by djinn oshannus’ attack

Round 7 - Opponent lost gelatinous cube by sand worm’s attack

So guys that’s it please share this post on social media using #play2earn and #splinterlands tags and if you are new then join splinterlands under me the referral link is below. Have a good day.

Thank you

Lucky Ali

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How are you doing?
Your lineup is original and hold some tips for Splinters who regularly fight in the arena.
The season is almost finish, have you collect enough GLINT?
Have a great season end

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