Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge | RULESET: Going the Distance

in Splinterlandslast month


Hello, guys, this is lucky Ali and today Is a day of sharing the post of the battle mage secret weekly challenge of Splinterlands so let’s start. today, the rule is going the distance This rule set changes the whole battle that’s why this rule set is very important according to this ruleset, you cannot use melee attacks and magic attack monsters you can only use ranged attack monsters so This is the specialty of this ruleset so I want to play according to this ruleset and going to place cards. so read the whole post and check my strategy you can follow the strategy when you get going the distance rule set and I hope that you will win most of the time.

Battle Rules


  • Aimless : So if you get an aimless ruleset then all monsters get scattered ability this is the specialty of this particular rule set. As a splinterlands user, you may know how scattered ability works. Show after scattershot ability applied to any monster that particular monster attacks random card of the opponent but the card should have magic or ranged attack.

  • Going the distance: This is the featured rule set of this challenge and according to this rule set you can use only ranged attack monsters that’s why I said that this rule set changes the whole battle and I have used some great monsters in this particular rule set so you have to follow one thing and that is use close range ability monster.

  • Little League: In the Little League ruleset you cannot use more than for Mona Monsters even summoners so it applies automatically and it disables the cards that have more than four mana so it is restricted to small mana cards.

My Battle Line Up


First position: I have used venari marksrat to strengthen the first monster. This particular monster has a martyr ability that’s why I have used it first so that it can strengthen the second monster however after this monster dies the second monster is not able to attack but I get benefits in shield, speed, and health.

Second position: Tower griffin monster has the capability to defend because it has a higher speed and also the flying ability that’s why it can defend greatly against the opponent so I have put it in the second position so that after the 1st moisture dies it can take the position

Third position : Merdhampir is used here. It has a Life leech ability that is very important and it has good attacks it is a ranged attack monster so it is better to use it at 3rd position because it has a more health and life leech ability.

Fourth position: Kulu swimhunter is here. This monster has to attack, two speed, and five health It’s a four mana card so perfect for the 4th position and it can attack very well because it has a double attack so that’s why i used this monster here.

Fifth position: I have taken naga windmaster here. This washer is great because it has headwind ability. Because of the headwinds ability, this is a very important ability for close range rule set because it is going to reduce the attacks of the ranged attack monsters of the opponent

Sixth position: This is another very important monster that name is Crustacean King and the most important thing is this monster has tank heal ability because of this it is going to heal the first monster which is why I have used this monster here

The Battle

Round 1 -no loss

Round 2 – no loss

Round 3 – I lost venari marksrat by kulu swimhunter’s attack
*Opponent lost naga windmaster by merdhampir’s attack.

Round 4 – Opponent lost venari marksrat by naga windmaster’s attack

Round 5 – No loss

Round 6 – Opponent lost merdhampir by merdhampir’s attack
*Opponent lost Angelic mandarin by crustacean kin’s attack.

Round 7 – Opponent lost kulu swimhunter by crustacean kin’s attack.

Round 8 – Opponent lost igor darkspear by merdhampir’s attack

I win

I hope you liked this post please share this post on social media using #play2earn and #splinterlands tags and also do comment below. New users join splinterlands under me the referral link is below. Have a good day.

Thank you

Lucky Ali

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