Soon I will Also Complete My 6 Years On Splinterlands

in Splinterlands24 days ago

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So hello friends welcome back to my social media challenge post of Splinterlands today we are going to discuss Splinterlands' journey of mine. splinterlands has completed 6 years and we are celebrating its six-year anniversary of splinterlands because of this I am going to share my short journey here I am going to share how I joined Sprinterlands, how I learned and what the advice for beginners so my advice is the reinvestment strategy so what is reinvestment strategy I want to discuss about it in the below so stay tuned and read the full post so that you can understand and get a motivation let’s start

Steem Bot Tracker Advertisement

I have said this thing Many times in the past, in the chat, in gatherings, and in posts and videos, and again I want to share this thing here because we are celebrating six years splinterlands anniversary so it is important to share your first meet with the splinterlands because it is the most important event. so yes steem bot racker was the reason that I joined Splinterlands that is why I cannot forget this platform so that time the advertisement was running on steem bot tracker website if you don’t know then let me share that steem bot tracker was the website for the people who want to buy the votes this does not exist today it was available on steem blockchain and that time I have participated in many vote buying rounds for a year or more and bought upvotes more than thousand times.

There was a big banner for the splinterlands so I just clicked that banner and landed on the splinterlands website I just joined the game I had heard about sprinterlands many times in the past and then I decided to join this game but the reason was the advertisement on steem bot tracker.

Reinvestment strategy is the key

When I started Splinterlands I knew nothing regarding splinterlands not even the mana so I just joined with zero experience. At that time there was no tutorial available on the splinterlands website and also not on youtube so I did not know any source of learning not even the person who already playing the Splinterlands game because at that time I did not have many contacts on steem blockchain so there was no one to teach me regarding splinterlands so I tried very hard to learn this particular game..

I took help from the opponent team to learn team-making. first I tried to understand the mana cap so that I could place the cards with good calculations so I learned team-making strategies from the opponents and step by step I learned the whole game within 2 months. If you decide something and work for it you will get the benefit so that’s what happened with me. First I started with the one account at that time I did not focus on selling cards I just focused on building I kept building and upgrading the cards and later I just increased my accounts so one by one I created multiple accounts and later I invited my friends and family members in this game and I had given the accounts to my family members so that they can play and they supported me a lot to grow on splinterlands.

So if you are a beginner on the splinterlands then I advise you to focus on building, focus on strengthening your team, and increasing your staked sps. you should not sell anything for now once you complete your bigger goal then you can go for it. if you are decided to sell then one thing to keep in mind is that you are not going to grow here so focus on building that is what I want to share in this post I hope you like this information so six years is a longer period. I’m glad that I’m also going to complete six years soon because I joined splinterlands1.5 months after the launch so that is why I am also excited about it.

Thank you

Lucky Ali

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