These Are The Great Sneak Monsters That I Use

in Splinterlandslast month


Hello guys welcome back to the social media challenge post of splinterlands and today I’m going to talk about some great sneak ability monsters that I like to use in most of the battles so I’m going to share details about those cards in this post. Sneak ability monsters are Special because sneak ability monsters attack the last card of the opponent so this is the specialty of this monster and you can say sneak monsters are unique monsters it is not necessary that only melee attack monsters are sneak monsters but it can be ranged too and And the best example of sneak ability monster is iza the fanged So this particular monster is not a melee attack monster although it has a sneak ability so you have to keep this in your mind.

Users see melee attack monsters with sneak abilities that’s why they believe that only Melee Monsters have the sneak ability but it is not true and I have given the example in the above paragraph. Melee attack monsters are the most used monsters in the splinterlands gaming but people like me most of the time prefer magic attack monsters because they are powerful too I believe that magic monsters are the most powerful monsters in the Sprinterlands game but it is also dependent on situation so you should not focus on only one type of attack so you have to try different monster so today I am going to talk about sneak ability monster with melee attacks and the first monster is tenyil striker so let us talk about that particular motion


This is the Fire Splinter monster and it is powerful even with the first level so let’s say you have a level one monster then you will get Five mana, two speeds, two attacks six health, and sneak ability. if you want to upgrade this monster then you will get multiple benefits and the card will get more strength to fight against the opponent. You can use this monster third to last position and the position also depends on the mana so the position will be changed if the mana cap is less or more. so I like this card in fire splinters and I used this monster most.


This is my favorite sneak ability monster because it has a double strike ability and also a sneak ability bonus for this monster so it is a totally killer monster and this is a life monster and it is not available at the market in great quantity because it is old card so obviously the cards are not left in the market but thankfully I have upgraded this monster in the past that’s why I have level six of this monster with 35 BCX and this is great achievement I can say because this card is going to help me in the future as well.


It is a neutral monster so you can use it with any summoner this is the specialty of this monster. The second thing is it is the monster with the highest attack and it has a sneak ability so this is a great and most powerful monster this is my favorite monster too and I use this monster most of the time in battle and even with the first level, you get good benefits so this is also a great monster.

So these are the mosters I want to share and I hope you liked this information please share this social media challenge post using #play2earn and #splinterlands and also if you are new to the sprinterlands then I invite you to sprinterlands using my referral link and referral link is the below so use that link sign up your account on splinterlands have a good day.

Thank you

Lucky Ali

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