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RE: Long Year Ahead For Splinterlands. Some Thoughts.

in Splinterlands2 months ago

I think Splinterlands stumbled a lot during the bear market. They weren't able to capitalize much on their success during the bull. But I do think they are trying to right the ship. I agree that it might take a while to see the results.


I think Splinterlands stumbled a lot during the bear market.

Yep, I agree. Quite a few mistakes were made. I wonder how many of them were at the advice or pressure of VCs.

I didn't even know we had VCs. I thought it was all the team's miscalculations. But that would make more sense since Matt wants to avoid VCs this time around.

Yep, Splinterlands has VCs, in a minority, but still, they have influence. One of them is on the Board of the company if I recall. But if I remember well, he also played Splinterlands.

I didn't know that. Thanks for sharing that info.

You learn a lot by listening to Town Halls, lol.

Haha, I mostly just read the summary.

Well, I sometimes take a nap while listening to the Town Hall, so I guess I am multitasking, lol.